Commentary by Ron Smith on life in Afghanistan after the taliban
Alexander Cockburn came across some grimly hilarious facts about the "liberalizing" of life in Afghanistan after the Taliban. From the French news agency Agence France Presse he learned that the bracing new era of tolerance there means Sharia Islamic law will still be imposed, but with less harshness. A judge was quoted as saying that public executions and amputations will continue, but there will be changes: "For example, the Taliban used to hang the victim's body in public for four days. We will only hang the body for a short time, say 15 minutes." And public executions will no longer be carried out at Kabul's sports stadium. "We will find a new place," said Judge Ahamat Ullha Zarif. Adulterers, male and demale, will still be stoned to death, but with smaller stones, he also revealed. The idea is that with the smaller stones there is a possibility of running away, though that applies only to confessed adulterers. Those who maintain their innocence even after being judged guilty will be shackled hand a foot so there is no chance for escape. Ah, political reform.
Ron Smith is a Baltimore Area columnist and radio talk show host
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