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Missing Journalists Turn up on April Fool's Day

Two Missing Newsday Journalists Turn Up Alive, Claim they were imprisoned by Iraqis: Just another "Drama" in "War Media Sweeps Week"?

Matthew McAllester and Moses Saimon of Newsday disappeared from their hotel rooms in Baghdad on March 24 and were reported "missing and feared dead" by Newsday. However, peace activists reported seeing the two in Syria last week - then retracted the statement a day later. On March 30, I ran a story that suggested nonembedded journalists were being picked off by the Pentagon (who had threatened to target journalists "in the way" in the war zone). I wasn't the only writer to raise this question... Shortly afterward, Newsday suddenly runs a story saying, Oh, we changed our we think they are alive afterall and in an Iraqi prison. Today, Aoril Fool's Day, no less, the were announced as "officially" having resurfaced, to much fanfare and newsroom spectacle. One can't help wondering if the whole thing was part of some bizarre " war media sweeps week"...

First we have Peter Arnett fired from NBC in a highly publicized melodrama. Half a day later, we have Geraldo Rivera of FOX reported as kicked out of Iraq by the US troops....followed by a story about how THAT story was made up by FOX operatives angry at FOX's condemnation of Arnett. Now, the very next day, we have the "missing Newsday reporters" surface. What's next? Rosie O'Donnell kidnapped and forced into IRaqi harem?

By the way Arnett has already been rehired by the UK's Daily Mirror. A skeptic might wonder if the new job had been lined up before...and the entire exit drama staged.


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