News :: Peace
Our soldiers are the best people of our nation who risk their lifes (c)Bush: They are the best paid killers of our nation - 'I do my job, I got paid for it' (soldier at live-interview cnn)

Our soldiers are the best people of our nation who risk their lifes (c)Bush: They are the best paid killers of our nation - 'I do my job, I got paid for it' (soldier at live-interview cnn)
Advance stopped but no break of battle: supplies halted, emergency food rations in front of Bagdad, hardly any ammunition, diesel fuel rationed
With two executed british soldiers Saddam has demonstrate what a beastly crime he is: by military and relatives only cheap propaganda ( meanwhile thousands Irakis killed)
Cruise missile hit accurate: Tomahawks hit Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Kuwait, crushing defeat of the doctrine 'precise bombing' by russian jammers, US military horror-stricken
British tanks fired at free journalists of Al Jazira during shooting without warning, embedded journalist designated others threaten by killing
Camp David (Bush): The war will take so long till we have achieved our intentions. We will depose Saddam no matter how long (no matter how much casualties)
Camp David (Blair): since the six till seven days of war we have achieved a great advances. We have secured the oilfields and we have averted damage. Hussein has'nt destroyed weapons of mass destruction till twelve years (till now we not one found)
'Stop the war' is a really nice slogan - but who should stop him - the willing? - they shit on you - they shit on millions - only we can stop him - we must destroy their capital needed for their wars - they have given all rights to us by breaking all rights
total resistance - beat the system - red paint beat back - worldwide - against branches, buildings and interior decoration of american companies to constrict their business activities and handicap the cash flow for their war - supermarkets, convenience restaurants, embassies, commercial agencies and banks - stand up now for total resistancebassies, commercial agencies and banks - stand up now for total resistance