Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism

Unity Call from antiwar movement

Youth Bloc/CAN
Adopted unanimously, March 21, 2003

NY Youth Bloc/CAN Joint Statement on Unity

At a time when the U.S. government is promising that, under its hail of
bombs, "there will be no safe place in Baghdad--something like Hiroshima,"
there is an overriding need for unity in the peace movement. The Campus
Antiwar Network (New York/NJ) and Youth Bloc (an anti-war coalition of
students from 45 high schools in and around NYC) are both dedicated to
working with any and all groups who are committed to stopping this
slaughter. Both groups are dedicated to building broad and democratic
opposition to the war, and while we value opennesss and discussion of
differences in our approach to this struggle, we call on all student
activists to focus our energies now on stopping a holocaust against the
Iraqi people rather than turning on each other. We recognize that this war
is likely to escalate on a devastating scale within a matter of days, and
our attention is desperately needed in our communities and our schools to
further broaden the size and deepen the impact of the only thing now
standing in its way--our movement. The lives of millions are hanging in the

In Struggle and Solidarity,
Monique Dols, CAN & Columbia Antiwar Coalition
Mike GW, NY Youth Bloc & Hunter High School Against War

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