Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Protest Activity

Help Shut Down NYC on Thursday!

People in New York are organizing mass autonomous direct action on Thursday starting at 7am and need lots of help!
Thursday March 23, 7:00 A.M. Onward, NO Business As Usual! Stop The City If They Don't Stop The War! Decentralized autonomous direct action throughout the city will stop rush hour traffic. Classrooms will sit empty and employees will NOT be at their desks. Roving street blockades and civil disobedience will fill the intersections. Marching together hasn't stopped the war so now let's swarm throughout the city in smaller groups and greater numbers. Those who oppose the war will join with others and stand up for justice.

This action will be the culmination of consensus meetings in which many groups were represented including:

United for Peace and Justice
No Blood for Oil
Not In Our Name
NYC Anarchists
RCP Youth Brigade
The Brooklyn Greens
Loud Brooklyn Dykes
Brooklyn Parents for Peace
Hunter College Student Liberation Action Movement
Reclaim the Streets
The Pink Bloc
Shift Control
Black Cross
Medical Activists of New York
Not In Our Name Youth
Wetlands Activism Center
Williamsburg Peace Coalition
Industrial Workers of the World New York City Branch
and others

see the tactics that worked in San Francisco


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