Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Europe

Message from germany: here writes one of hundred thousands antiwar militants in germany.
Lets join together a worldwide movement against war and capitalism! Together we are the power to smash the plutocracy and her sevants worldwide!
Brave people of the antiwar movement in the United States. The german antiwar movement is greeting you! We have seen in the internet the powerful manifestations of your willing in the cities of the USA. Also in germany we are hundred thousands in the street. This was only the beginning! We dont trust the corporate media when they say, „america“ (meaning the people) is doing the massacres in Iraq.
Dont trust the lies of the corporate media, that the german and french people are „anti-american“. That is bullshit! We are enemies of the oil mafia behind bush and the plutocracy. Only together we can smash the axis of evil of the Bush, Aznar, Blair and all the servants of the worldwide super Cosa Nostra.
Lets build together a transatlantic axis to build a new world, the „old europe“ together with you, the new america, and together with the people in the whole world.
They, the plutocracy, are perhaps thousands, but we are millions and we will overthrow them, if we come together.
Brave militants of antiwar movement in USA, we love you, you are our brothers and sisters.
Bush and his gang must go to Den Haag!

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