Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Gender and Sexuality

Trader's pidgin announcement

A goodbye message in trader's pidgin. Those who understand will understand, those who do not not for, same. Number one fast getaway, A?
I abandoning station number one fast! Me and fundie establishment, not good allies, same time greens want me, want go atheist and anarchist. Me say, girls in scene number one pretty, much weed smoking, Emma Goldman say free love okay. Sign say, make love not war, same time me say, only fool turn down. Me make low mass jump right quick, same time. High G turn, much V. Say, fundie establishment pain in ass, fuck personage's daughter in fundie scene, personage make much trouble yours truly. Same time say, not do anything to her he and whole family not do first and more often, same she way she is. Not matter, same want cover ass and make me out be bigger problem than fundie personage is. Good trader, same good pirate or privateer, A? Good pirate know when to fight, when to run like crazy. Make jump Austin, TX number one soon, anarchist make number one good ally, same time greenie and pacifist, same black block, maybe make lemons into lemonade. Still date Stsho girl first opportunity, Stsho girls best ride in known space, eh? Just make number one sure Kif not spook Stsho girl into consequent or subsequent, means either bribe Kif stay away from mate this time, maybe keep her under wraps, hopefully not have to shoot Kif send whole sector mad, start new war, not good for buisness. Kif respond number one good bribes tho, same time fickle, shift with changing politics. Respect strength only. Show strength, band or tribe strong, insulate Stsho girl. Kif back away. Maybe.

Mahe go number one fast now. You not insult personage, A, while playing game fundie heirarchy, same time not game I play, same time be careful, same time was fun playing with you.

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