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Bush Daddy Goes Bowling

Whatever it takes to make this Kingdom last.
Attn: There is a lot of blockage and interference for this article, probably because of what I have written about the unquestionable nature of the Contras.

My Daddy said that my perfecting wood-splitting on Connecticut Hill in 1980 is another reason that the dummkopf Nazis of Bush Daddy Tribe "..Love Bob Meade So Much"(76394). Bush Daddy claims that the dummkopf Nazis even presented recordings of my splitting cord after cord of logs with the sound of the 11-stroke shatter-split of each log being presented as proof that they had perfected wood-splitting. Bush Daddy also claims that he had Senator John Heinz murdered for making the Persian Gulf War happen when I yelled at Lafayette Park(36001). Bush Daddy was able to modestly brush off any mention of his war hero status with a demure smile because BDT targetted anyone who made clear that Bush Daddy was a brainless puppet ruler. Since Bush Daddy's kid is still trying to pick a fight with Saddam Hussein, Bush Daddy claims that Saddam wants to fight Bush Daddy's kid with his bare hands. The sissy wimpy dummkopf Nazis love fighting wars as long as someone else does the fighting. That's how bowling probably originated from wood-splitting. The sissy wimpy ones did not want to have work hard to split wood perfectly in order to "walk with God", so they invented a game that didn't involve such a level of competence. It seems like the "Bush Daddy Finale"(198448) is never going to happen if BDT has anything to do with it. Maybe the answer is to promote bowling, a cheap imitation of the real thing, in Jerusalem. They could send proud John Dryden's King of "Bush Daddy Country"(200807) to Judah for a bowling tournament; and the heads of the Israelites along with the King's cabinet could be snuck into Judah in bowling ball bags. No one would suspect a thing!

PS: Secret Service came to visit me this morning with twenty questions. I told them about lawlessness as I have seen it, and I made the guy in the Secret Service uniform who was apparently directing "Bush Daddy Detachment"(205811) an issue. It seems like this guy might actually be a legitimate agent, for I had the license plate number of the van he was driving two years ago. What's funny is that the guys who came to see me were probably acting for this uniformed guy in an illegal manner without knowing it.

PPS: 3/18/03 Spring Break has Bush Daddy calling for Mike Tyson to come shatter-split wood on Mt. Pleasant in order to lure the Cornell Police Impersonators up there, teach them split wood like Bob split wood, what not? Fabricate a war with Bush Daddy's old ally, Saddam, who reportedly has 8,000 liters of Anthrax, made with U.S. help? The dummkopf Nazis are probably the ones doing the killing for Saddam over there. The outbreak of disease in Asia is probably a combination of "chemicals", slyly administered as the sickness progresses. The-Powers-That-Be should tell Secret Service that they can keep Bush Daddy's kid as long as they think it will make good copy. Goofy doofus war hero status is not a worthy pursuit when the swords must be beaten into plowshares. 3/19/03 If you believe that Bush Daddy was a war hero, Bush Daddy claims that's because he pretended to be tongue-tied whenever he was asked about what he actually did in that war. Since the populace swallowed that, they will have to put up with him until the fool is called noble no more(Is. 32:5). It turns out that Contra may be comprised of more than the South American followers of Abimael Guzman, for Contra appears to be comprised of many nationalities. It is a serious matter to confront them, for they probably immmediately proceed to try to kill anyone who questions their origins. Such are the ways of the "Serpent"(132033).

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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger

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