Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

Grab your Mask and your Mom

You have nothing better to do at 5pm today, believe me! Screw the rain, make the scene, bring noise makers, signs, banners, call EVERYONE you know.

Walk outs and protests have begun as of noon today on college campuses and in highschools and people have called in sick from business as usual. Now let us make sure that all roads lead to War Memorial Plaza at 5pm!

Emergency Message from Maryland/Baltimore ANSWER
(Act Now to Stop War & End Racism)

Resist Bush's Illegal Criminal War!
Stop the Genocide of the Iraqi People!
Support Our Troops By Bringing Them Home NOW!
Make Your Voices Heard!

Thursday, March 20, 5 P.M.
War Memorial Plaza
Fayette & Gay Streets
across from City Hall

Office Phone: (41)) 235-7040 Emergency Cell Phone (410) 218-4835
Please try office phone first.

This is a non-violent protest, got it???

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