Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism

DC: When the War Starts Action!

Updated info on actions planned for the day after the war starts (is officially announced.)
Updated information on day-after actions!!!

These actions will take place on the morning after the official announcement that the war has already begun or is beginning immediately.

Remember to dress creatively, bring percussion instruments, noisemakers, pictures of Iraqi people, banners, poster, etc! Make your resistance to war visible!

The following call to action, flyers, posters, press releases, and more information are available on our website at

Creative and Direct Actions for the Day After a War on Iraq Starts
-ON BIKE: 7:30 AM at Dupont Circle for a Critical Mass "Race Against War" Washington DC
-ON FOOT: 7:00 AM at the Eastern Market metro for a "March of Resistance" Washington DC

The millions around the world who've taken to the streets in unprecedented numbers, walked out of their schools and universities, organized sit-ins and teach ins, blocked roads, tunnels, bridges, trains, and waterways in opposition to a war on Iraq have dealt a major blow to US and British war plans. Had it not been for this global antiwar movement, bombs would surely be raining down on Iraq by now.

Yet despite this massive opposition, Bush and company seem to be dead set on waging another bloody war on Iraq. Just as they are proceeding in their plans for war, we must continue organizing against it. In addition to the numerous demonstrations and actions being organized almost spontaneously, we want to make sure that if a war is launched there is something that gives a voice and an outlet to the rage that people will surely feel as American bombs rain down on innocent Iraqis.

Just as their bombs and hi-tech weaponry will wreak havoc on Iraqi society, actions must be organized here in the capital of Capital that disrupt the US's war machinery and send a clear message to the war makers that when mass slaughter is on the agenda, the only appropriate response is to raise the economic, political, and social costs of waging war.

To create an atmosphere where resistance to the war can be seen and felt throughout the city, we ask that people not go to school or work the day after the war starts (organize a walkout, sickout, or work stoppage) and join us at 7:30 AM at Dupont Circle for a critical mass "Race Against War" or at 7:00 AM at Eastern Market for a "March of Resistance".

In addition to the direct actions, there will be a creative action at Eastern Market for those not wanting to risk arrest. This will consist of a mass street theater re-enactment of the war and its lethal impact on Iraq and the Middle East. We ask that you bring any banners, signs, and props that would be appropriate for such a "performance", especially large photos of ordinary Iraqis, some of which will be available for downloading from our website,

We can stop this war before it starts. But if it starts, we need to be prepared to stop the war makers.

"Bush is Taking the Shirts Off Our Backs to Pay for this War" Coalition / 866-860-9311/

The Shirts Off Coalition Points of Unity

The Shirts Off coalition was formed to organize creative, high energy direct actions against war on Iraq and against the attacks on the poor, mostly people of color, in the belly of the beast; Washington DC. We've come together to organize on the following points of unity:

*For Struggles of Liberation and Against Imperialist War!*
We are in total opposition to all imperialist wars, which are waged for economic superiority, the exploitation of labor and the resources of a foreign land, and the repression of dissent. We are equally opposed to wars initiated by a state communist regime, a state capitalist regime or a religious fundamentalist regime. However, we believe that people who are fighting against oppression have a right to self-defense and a right to resist their oppression by any means necessary. We support oppressed peoples' struggles for liberation from colonization, domination and exploitation.
*Pro-Community, Anti-Capitalist!*
We are anti-capitalist, and denounce all forms of exploitation and oppression, including sexism, racism and heterosexism. We reject a system driven by an exploitative logic that sees and treats human beings as tools and machines, ecosystems as resources, and culture as simply a commodity. We reject the idea that the world is only valuable in terms of profit, competition and efficiency. We assert a worldview based on the respect of our differences and the autonomy of groups, individuals and all peoples to determine their own liberation.
*For Creativity, Direct Action and Visible Resistance!*
Respecting a diversity of tactics, we use a variety of creative initiatives, ranging between popular education to direct action to make resistance visible. We will not allow the state to dictate or control our forms of resistance.
*For Revolution, Against the State!*
We are revolutionaries, and stand in defiance of the current political system. We are anti-authoritarian, use consensus decision making and are non-hierarchical. We encourage the involvement of anyone who believes in and wants to organize on these points of

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