In response to "shame's" message lamenting the lack of info about Baltimore actions
I've also noticed that it is hard to centrally find events happening in Baltimore to protest war with Iraq. So, in the interest of spreading the word, here are some that I know about in the next couple days:
Friday March 14 4-5:15pm Get Sen. Sarbanes to speak out against the war! Demonstration at Sarbane's office at 100 S Charles Street (Bank of America Plaza) Search for MD events
Every Friday, 5-6pm Silent vigil against war (in Iraq, Afghanistan, everywhere) Homewood Friends Meetinghouse, 3100 block of Charles St.
Sunday March 16 7pm International rolling candlelight vigil against war Baltimore's vigil is at Mount Vernon
There's also a lot going on in DC, with a week of nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience planned for March 17-22, and Veterans Against Iraq War is calling for events for the following week.
Everyone on here who finds out about an event, let's make an effort to make sure the info gets posted to Baltimore Indy Media!