Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Commentary :: Media

Dear Baltimore Indymedia

Dear Baltimore Indymedia,

Is there anyway that the work being done in Baltimore could be better highlighted on this site? There seems to be quite a bit of anti-war work going on in the area, yet it is all scattered with no centeral place to get information on it. I have been going to DC Indymedia to get updates on stuff that is going on in Baltimore, is there a problem with that? Just this week there is stuff going on at John Hopkins, Towson University, University MD Baltimore campus, in Baltimore sponsored by Citizens for Peace, and I am sure other stuff that I am unaware of. I know there is the idea that if you want to see something happen then participate, but I am not media swavvy, I suck at writing, and I do not have much space in my schedule to get involved. This is just a suggestion with the idea that if thse who are interested could find out when events happen, then more people might get involved.

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