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Bush Daddy Innocence

It's a rare thing.
First Edition 3/11/03

My Daddy said that you will probably never hear the end of Bush Daddy's professed innocence. Rather than acknowledge that the Niggardly Asinine Zionist Idiots (NAZIS) of Bush Daddy Tribe are part of a continuing criminal enterprise, people are swayed by moronic proclamations such as: "Hitler never touched anybody!" Although the Nazis will kill you for trying to take them to court for their crimes, they say that the lack of convictions is proof that the Nazis are good people(238771). Due to the isolation of the HEAD and the TAIL of the "Serpent" that is the Nazis of Zionism(132033), there is no shortage of Nazis like Khalid Mohammad("27 Million Dollar Face" - NY Daily News 3/10/03) to take the fall for all of the lawless Nazis of Bush Daddy Country(200807). Although I am quite sure that Khalid Mohammad, an apparent opium addict, was up at Cornell, I doubt if he was the mastermind of all the misfits up there. As I've written, Hitler was probably tricked into going up there in order to do away with him in the lair of the brownshirted President Rawlings(224404 & 231491). Whether they know it or not, all of the dummkopf Nazis on the hill are probably acting on the brainstorms of Abimael Guzman of Shining Path Guerillas; i.e. Chairman Guzman, who Bush Daddy claims was imprisoned in Peru in order to get him to comply with BDT and Messiah Exarchou(62371). As I've made known to Seattle IMC, I suspect that my constant censor on Seattle IMC, "Troy Prouty" is really Abimael Guzman, a bespectacled rotund fellow who also frequents Cornell. As with all of the Contras who follow Guzman(50914 & 51602), the rest of Bush Daddy Detachment(205811) have never been convicted of a crime. To protect their professed innocence, the treacherous deal treacherously(Is. 24:16). Hopefully their "27 million dollar fall guy", Khalid Mohammad will serve to gather an even larger "crop" of Nazis of BDT as the dummkopfs try to explain that guy's alleged brains(Mic. 2:12). In the end the prime indicator of Bush Daddy's innocence will probably be the number of countries that back him up as the King of Israel when he's alive(242785).

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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger

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