Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism

One Million Taxpayers for Peace

We work hard for peace, yet we pay for war.
We are affliated with the Sonoma County Peace and Justice Center in Santa Rosa, CA.

Please help to spread this message:

We work hard for peace, yet at the same time we are paying for war.

The United States is massing over 250,000 troops around Iraq, ready to invade. We have paid for this. This is what our tax dollars pay for.

The majority of us cannot live under the taxable level, nor are there many who are willing to risk the consequences of refusing to pay all or the military portion (nearly 50% of the federal budget) of their tax bill. offers an alternative. Our campaign enters into its second year offering a method to pay one’s taxes ‘under protest’. We are campaigning for a national mass movement of low risk civil disobedience tax redirection. Our site provides details for deducting $10.40 from one’s federal tax payment as a ‘vote of protest’ to our current military policies and redirecting it, ‘investing in peace’ to a fund that provides for conflict resolution programs in our nation’s schools.

Let’s begin a mass movement for change. We can 'vote' our resistance to this war with our taxes. Send a message to policy makers in Washington: invest in peace, not war.

This is our second year of campaigning for a mass movement with One Million Taxpayers for Peace. Help network his message to other taxpayers of war.

Michael Knappman
Sonoma County Taxes for Peace
Santa Rosa, CA

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