Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Peace

Important Anti-War Dates and Events, Towson Anti-War Coalition

A list of upcomming anti-war events.
These are important dates and events, some sponsored by the Towson Anti-War Coalition, others supported. Please attend and participate.

Monday March 10: On the campus of Towson University
6:00pm-Weekly vigil against war, gather at the Beach
(grassy area in front of Linthicum and the Lecture

7:30pm-General meeting of TAWC in the Potomac Lounge
on the 2nd floor of the University Union

Wednesday March 12:
The University of Baltimore Greens will be conducting a forum on the possible invasion of Iraq on Wednesday, March 12, 2003 from 6 to 8 pm in the Moot Court Room of the University of Baltimore School
of Law. The Law school is located at 1415 Maryland Ave., on the east side of Maryland Ave., just one block north of Mt. Royal Ave.

Thursday March 13: On the campus of Towson University
6:00pm-General meeting of TAWC in the Potomac Lounge
on the 2nd floor of the University Union

Friday March 14:
4:00pm-Demonstration at Senator Sarbanes office in
Baltimore sponsored by Citizens for Peace. Location
is 100 South Charles Street (Bank of America building
downtown Baltimore)

Saturday March 15:
12:00pm-Emergency Demonstration against war sponsored
by ANSWER. Gather at the Washington Monument in
Washington DC to rally and then march. See for more information.

Monday March 17:WE NEED YOU!!! On the campus of Towson University
5:00pm-Student Government Association of Towson
University will vote on an anti-war resolution. We
need you to come out in support. We NEED to pack the
room and let the SGA know that this University is
united against this war. Meeting location is in room
Cheasapeak I on the 3rd floor of the University Union.



WHEN: In the event of a U.S. invasion of Iraq, all classes will be canceled in opposition to this unjustifiable attack. Voices from college campuses, city streets, and communities across the nation will unite to make our message heard: we will not sit quietly in class, we will not passively go to work, we will not turn a blind eye to U.S. lead terrorism. When thousands of innocent lives are put at risk, we will walk out.

WHY: Because…
· We value all life, regardless of nationality, over profit.
· We understand that U.S. aggression does not create a safer world.
· We will not let them say that this war is being fought in our name.
· If we don't take a stand now, then when?

On the day war is “officially” declared, we call on all members of the Towson University community to disrupt their daily lives in protest and join with tens of thousands throughout the nation in saying, WE DONT WANT THIS WAR! Please meet on the Beach (grassy area in front of Linthicum and the Lecture Hall) at the following time:

If war is declared in the morning hours meet at 12:00 the day of
If war is declared any time after noon, meet at 12:00 the following day
If war is declared on a Friday/Saturday/Sunday, meet at 12:00 on the following Monday

We will gather on the Beach until around 1:00 and then march and join up with other students from Towson High, Carver High, Goucher College, Essex Community College, and the Towson area.

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