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LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

Baltimore Women Rally

Women rally at Federal Courthouse on International Womens' Day.
Women Rally March 8th at the Federal Courthouse

A small, intense group, mainly women, assembled at the Federal Courthouse in Baltimore on March 8th, International Womens’ Day, to voice their protest against the pending war in Iraq.
Many women came to the microphone to express their individual concerns. Speakers were directand very personal.
Shannon, an army reservist, spoke of her opposition to the war while her baby slept in an American flag-decorated sling. Teresa, a military veteran, spoke of her Gulf War experience saying that she didn’t want to see again such victims as in that earlier war.
Sharon ended the lunch-hour session declaring that “we represent the majority interest of
people in the country.” The group adjourned amid hugs and expressions of personal support. They agreed that to oppose the war, people needed to do something that would change their lives. It was clear from many of the comments that attending this small peace rally was just that small “something” for many of the participants.

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