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Rally outside MD's death row -- Saturday, March 8 @ 2PM

Join family members of death row inmates and activists from across the region as we against executions outside MD's death row in Baltimore (401 E. Madison St.)
030803UMD.pdf (86 k)
Fellow abolitionists,

All out for the March 8th demonstration outside MD's death row! Meet at 401 E. Madison, Baltimore, MD's Supermax, at 2 PM.

There are lots of things competing for folks attentions:
spring breaks, anti-war demonstrations (hooray!), etc. however we are in a critical moment in the fight against the death penalty in Maryland and we can not let up the pressure. People should make every effort to make it out on Saturday.

Remember -- the MD Senate is on a knife's edge regarding the
moratorium. Despite repeated threats of a veto from Ehrlich, the Senate Judiciary Cmte passed the moratorium and the bill already passed in its first (easiest) reading before the full Senate. The second reading is today -- which will see a full debate on the bill. If its passes it then goes for a final vote.

2 years ago a moratorium was inches from passing in the Senate when a right-wing Senator launched a filibuster. ALso, 2 years ago the MD House passed the moratorium by an large majority.

We can win! If we win this fight it will be a great step forward for the entire abolitionist movement both in Maryland and the entire nation! ALso, VETO or no VETO -- the fight we mount now will have serious implications if Ehrlich tries to execute again.

What we do counts!

In Solidarity,

The death penalty punishes the poor. It is racist. It
does not deter crime. It kills innocent people. It is
cruel and unusual punishment.

Check out the Campaign to End the Death Penalty's Website

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