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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Palestinian in York Segregation Unit - Act Now!

> Since February 26, 2003, NYC-based Palestinian
> activist Farouk
> Abdel-Muhti has been held in a MAXIMUM SECURITY
> at York County Jail in York
--- "David L. Wilson" <> wrote:
> To:
> From: (David L. Wilson)
> Subject: URGENT, 3/3/03: Farouk in Segregation
> Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2003 20:13:02 -0800
> March 3, 2003
> Since February 26, 2003, NYC-based Palestinian
> activist Farouk
> Abdel-Muhti has been held in a MAXIMUM SECURITY
> at York County Jail in York, Pennsylvania. Each
> of the 16
> prisoners in this unit is kept alone in a cell
> behind steel doors
> for over 23 hours a day. Phone calls and
> reading materials are
> strictly controlled. Prisoners are shackled
> hand and foot when
> moved, even when taken to the clinic for
> medical treatment.
> The Committee for the Release of Farouk
> Abdel-Muhti is calling
> for an emergency demonstration at York this
> Friday, March 7, to
> protest Farouk's treatment there and demand his
> release. PLEASE
> CONTACT US FOR DETAILS, especially if you have
> a car or if you
> have contacts closer to York. (York is nearly
> two hours west of
> Philadelphia and about an hour north of
> Baltimore.) If you are in
> NYC and can't go to York, please come to the
> regular weekly vigil
> at 26 Federal Plaza in Manhattan, Friday at
> noon. ALSO, take a
> moment to call or send a protest fax or email
> (see below).
> The US government continues to BREAK THE LAW by
> keeping Farouk
> jailed since April 2002, in violation of the
> Supreme Court's June
> 2001 decision (Zadvydas v. Davis) outlawing
> indefinite detention
> in immigration cases.
> Farouk has sued the US government to demand his
> release. The
> government now appears to be trying to sabotage
> Farouk's habeas
> suit by moving him to York, and by asking the
> judge to grant a
> "change of venue" to central Pennsylvania.
> Call, fax or email David J. Venturella, who
> heads the Office of
> Detention and Removal, to protest the
> government's inhumane and
> illegal actions, and to demand Farouk's
> immediate release:
> Send your messages to:
> David J. Venturella, Assistant Deputy Executive
> Associate
> Commissioner, Office of Detention & Removal
> tel 202-305-2734
> fax 202-353-9435
> email
> If you can, please also call York County Jail
> warden Thomas Hogan
> at 717-840-7580, and tell him to get Farouk out
> of segregation.
> PLEASE send copies of your correspondence to
> the Committee for
> the Release of Farouk Abdel-Muhti at
> WRITE to Farouk:
> Farouk Abdel-Muhti #75122
> York County Jail
> 3400 Concord Road
> York, PA 17402-9580
> =========================================================
> Committee for the Release of Farouk
> Abdel-Muhti
> PO Box 20587, Tompkins Square Station, New
> York, NY 10009
> Phone: 212-674-9499 * Email
> Website:
> =========================================================

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