Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Peace

EMAIL: leveraging Indy to stop the war

We are in the final days. The Washington Post is reporting that U.S. and British forces are ready to fight. Take collective action now!
The Virtual March on Washington demonstrated that we can have an immediate impact, if only on the media, by using our own home computers. Together with Indymedia, such action can achieve some specific results.

THIS PROPOSAL ENVISIONS TENS OF THOUSANDS of us checking email and Indymedia sites several times a day over the next several weeks, assessing the best ways to have an impact, and then sending emails, faxes, or making phone calls based on daily information.

The immediate goal is to flood the corporate media with specific requests, demands, criticisms about war coverage. If we do this individually it will accomplish little. If we exercise our free speech rights in concert we may have a positive impact at very low cost.

THE PLAN works like this:

Check the newswire of your local or favorite indymedia site for messages with the starting title EMAIL: Read these specifically, for they will recommend issues on which to act, and perhaps suggest corporate media targets deserving of our attention.

Do this several times a day.

Publicize this effort by distributing this message to organizational lists, friends, family, work associates.

INDYMEDIA WEBSITES are all over the country. Important ones are:

From these sites you may navigate to a site near you.

IF YOU SEE A STORY worthy of email action, post it on the newswire using the EMAIL: prefix to the title.

Consider these four points:

o Best results may be achieved by posting to ALL Indymedia newswires.

o We cannot publicize and act on everything. Only the best stories that are really worthy of coverage are likely to have a positive result. Please use common sense.

o Our immediate concern is stopping the senseless war on Iraq. For now, other issues will only detract.

o Anyone can post to Indymedia newswires. Exercise judgment about what you read there.



This story from the Guardian has been mentioned briefly on MSNBC TV, but hasn't received much coverage in other U.S. media.


The United States is conducting a secret 'dirty tricks' campaign against UN Security Council delegations in New York as part of its battle to win votes in favour of war against Iraq.

Details of the aggressive surveillance operation, which involves interception of the home and office telephones and the emails of UN delegates in New York, are revealed in a document leaked to The Observer.,6903,905899,00.html


Contact your favorite corporate media outlet(s), and inquire why the story isn't getting more coverage.

Forward this message to others who may also wish to act on it.

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