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LOCAL News :: Peace

Eight antiwar activists arrested at TowsonTown Center

On Saturday, March 1, at 4:30 p.m., eight anti-war activists were arrested in the Townson Town Center in Towson, Maryland. They were among 18 activists representing the Iraq Pledge of Resistance, Baltimore
Sunday, March 02, 2003

Eight anti-war activists arrested in Townsontown Mall Demonstration

On Saturday, March 1, at 4:30 p.m., eight anti-war activists were arrested in the Townson Town Center in Towson, Maryland. They were among 18 activists representing the Iraq Pledge of Resistance, Baltimore.

The eighteen arrived at the very crowded mall at 3:30 p.m. and began handing out leaflets peacefully. Most of the activists had taped pictures of Iraqi children to their clothing. The leaflets argued that the Bush administration should not attack Iraq. Fifteen minutes into the leafleting the mall security and local police arrived.

The police told the activists not to continue leafleting or risk arrest. The activists continued to leaflet. This continued for about 45 minutes. Finally the police told the activists that they could either leave the mall or be arrested. The eight stayed. At about 4:30 p.m. they were subsequently handcuffed and led away. As they were led away some patrons were heard joining the applause begun by the ten activists who were not arrested.

The eight arrested are Max Obuszewski, Maria Allwine, Levanah Ruthschild, John Dornheim, Marcel Estevez, Donald (Donny) Gann, Mark Giffen and Ann Forno. They were each released on recognizance between 5:45 and 6:30 a.m. on Sunday, March 2. They have each been charged with trespassing, failure to obey a police order and disorderly conduct. They are going to trial on June 10th, 2003.

This was the second nonviolent civil disobedience put on by the Iraq Pledge of Resistance at the Towsontown mall. On December 23, 2002, a group of about 10 people handed out leaflets until the police forced them to vacate. No one was arrested.

The Iraq Pledge of Resistance is a national organization promoting a peaceful resolution to the Iraq crisis. Members engage in nonviolent civil disobedience and promote the UN Charter and international law generally.

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