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LOCAL News :: Environment

Save Woodberry Woods

If you've been reading how Woodberry is threatened by Loyola College's plans to build 2 stadiums in the urban forest by TV Hill and wonder what you can do, keep reading:
Call your City Council representatives and say NO to Loyola and YES to real community planning. It looks like having a backbone is not a requirement for City Council employment. They, especially the 4th and the 5th, are rolling over backwards to support Mayor O'Malley's planned destruction of the woods. By mid-January the Land Use Committee will hear all before it goes to a second reader and passed- OR DEFEATED.

Did you know that Scenic America, who came to Baltimore to lobby for a billboard moratorium, has designated Woodberry Forest as one of 10 most endangered landscapes in America?

Did you know that Woodberry is a community over 200 years old and does not want its character and environment changed by outside, wealthy, private institutions?

Did you know that one of their stated purposes for building the stadiums is to get their alumni drunk (or tipsy, at least) and fork over more dollars to their coffers? Drunken alumni are even worse than drunken Loyola students, known far and wide throughout the 3rd District, the Liquor Board, and Northern Police Department for their rowdy behavior.

Did you know that Loyola offers absolutely nothing for the community they don't already have?
Playing fields? On private land when Poly-Western is around the corner?

There is so much more that can be said, and you bet I will say more later, but the call is out there to contact your Council member and say No to Loyola. Let them rebuild their Curly Stadium in Homeland rather than destroy such a fragile ecosystem and harm a community on the edge. Since they are so loved, respected and admired in their neigbhorhood already I'm sure the Homeland and Guilford folks would love to see their stadium ( in their neighborhood) improved to meet the qualifications for NCAA (or whatever 4-letter acronym they belong to). FAT CHANCE Woodberry has been literally dumped on for decades. Unlike Loyola's present neighborhood, they have neither the representation nor legal counsel to help. In fact, there are probably more lawyers on a single street in Guilford than in all of Woodberry. No wonder Loyola and their neighborhood 'gets along so well".

Call your Council members NOW. ( 410-396-3100 City Operator if you don't know your members' numbers) Be ready to come to the Public Hearing by the Land Use Committee sometime in January and in Woodberry.

Thank you,
Myles Hoenig, Woodberry Planning Committee, and President of a Northern neighborhood association. (I get around)

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