News :: Peace
Teacher Shut Up (don't mention the war)
All across the country teachers are being told to shut up about President Bush and his war. As one concerned parent to another, I urge you to send email.
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The latest (CNN) story about shushing teachers comes from Maine:
"Maine teachers warned: Watch anti-war talk in classroom"
"Maine's top education official (has) warned teachers to be careful of what they say in class about a possible invasion of Iraq."
Memo's such as the one sent to Maine school districts have a chilling effect on teachers. I don't see a problem with presenting both sides of this important question, but what we are seeing appears to be a pre-emptive effort to prevent any mention of war whatsoever. Silence about war makes war more likely.
I'm sending emails to complain that teachers are being silenced. I hope that you will too. We must stop this pro-war drumbeat before it sweeps every school district in the country.
The above official's email address is:
Here are the important links:
Other email addresses of Maine School officials--
Picture of the commissioner--