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News :: Globalization

(Video) Quebec 2001: The Battle Against The F.T.A.A.

34 heads of state. 6,000 cops. 60,000 protesters. Two miles of chain link. One secret document. A journey through the historic protests against the Free Trade Area of the Americas in Quebec City, April 2001.

John Hamilton and Todd Alan Price of the Madison Independent Media Center bring you Quebec 2001: The Battle Against the F.T.A.A.

In April of 2001, thirty-four heads of state convened the Summit of the Americas in Quebec amidst the largest security operation in Canadian history. Their mission: to create a hemisphere-wide trade agreement, the "Free Trade Area of the Americas."

As the leaders discussed the details of this secret agreement behind closed doors, more than 60,000 people mounted one of the largest protests in North American history. This is their story.

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