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Motivated LaRouche Youth intervene at tightly-controlled privately-owned Democratic Party meeting.
Highly motivated LaRouche Youth intervened at Democratic Party meeting to protest the fact that the candidate they support for public office has been frozen out of the tightly-controlled privately-owned Demcratic Party.
The DNC held their winter meeting on Feb. 21 in concert with the
College Democrats, for the purpose of reviewing the current crop
of Presidential candidates.

Security had been stepped up after the youth had crashed the
College Dems meeting the night before, though it was not
effective in stopping the infiltration of around 15 youth into
the facility. We had to play it carefully.

Sean, and Joe
(Or/Wa), dressed up to fit the "profile" of a college Dem and
managed to pay and register for Sharpton's event, but just as
they were about to enter, the meeting room was declared "at
capacity" and no one else was allowed in -- including the
individual scheduled to speak at that time!
At that point, everyone was warned that they would be
removed if they caused any "disruption." The waiting crowd grew
steadily more impatient and angry that they were not allowing
anyone else in; Joe at this point mobilized the whole crowd into
a single file -- with themselves being at the spearhead of the
line, the security was forced to let them in, though keeping them
boxed in the entire time while inside.

Torbjorn, our Swedish fish, managed to slip through the
fingers of all the security into the elevators for a little joy
While bouncing up and down, he managed to intervene on at
least 80 people, including Presidential candidate John Edwards,
his security, and secretary (or mistress?). Edwards turned blue
in the face when asked if he was against excluding LaRouche. He
responded with a grunt while his "secretary" squealed, "you are
ruining this DNC meeting"! Such words always bring a Cheshire

Ron Oliver, Democratic Party chairman in Arkansas, screamed,
"You should be in jail with LaRouche, I'll have you arrested!"
Chris Galloway, executive director for the College Dems, one
of those you always fear will overload the elevator, ran away in
hysterics, only to be spotted in the lobby fingering the LaRouche
youth in a feeble attempt to prevent the cat from getting out of
the bag.

State Rep. David Woodward (MO) responded, "You are
politicizing this event, you should not do so."

What is it about
politics these fools don't understand?

Andrew got fingered before he even made it halfway down the
escalator, and two cops ran UP the DOWN escalator grabbed him by
each arm and dragged him to the top, and took him aside for the
barring procedure. As they were about to take his picture, he
whipped out a disposable camera and snapped their picture, in a
magnificent contribution to the total bewilderment of how it is
that we actually operate.

Our Ibero-American component, worked diligently to get into
Sharpton's meeting, but were stalled and prevented because "some
LaRouche people are trying to disrupt the meeting." The crew then
ran into the husband of the mayor of Pomona, CA and engaged in a
productive dialogue, bringing out that the mayor does not agree
with the leadership of the DNC, and is going to keep in close
contact with us.

Victor hit Big Al Sharpton in the hallway, questioning him
"will you publicly acknowledge LaRouche's right to run, as a bona
fide Democrat?"

Maria again caught agent Sharpy asking him, "Hi, sir, what
do you think about LaRouche?" He answered: "Some guy just asked
me that. I think he has the right to run."

In Sharpton's speech, he rambled on, "We are all Democrats
and it's great that we all come together to discuss the future!"

He then received a standing ovation, after which everyone but
Karon sat down:

"Mr. Sharpton, I'm deeply insulted by what you
just said. We were here last night [amidst groans at the
recognition], YES, LaRouche Democrats were here, and the DNC
threw us out!"

The crowds erupted into an infantile Jacobin mob
mentality: "GET OUT! SHUT UP." Sharpton then quieted the crowd,
pleading, "Nobody's been more insulted than me!

If you let me
finish, I will take your question."

By this time the goons had zeroed in on Karon and were
working their way into the middle of the crowd where she lay

"You're lying! This man is going to throw me out,
proving that the Democratic Party is not morally fit to survive!"

The thugs were telling Karon as she was being dragged out, "shut
the F*#K UP, you're going to jail!"

The talk subsequently ended, with no question and answer
period, but LaRouche was the common theme of discussion amongst
the dispersing crowds.

One girl was spotted running across the
While organized "chaos" was going on down stairs, Jenn,
Lisa, and Justo took the initiative and worked their way upstairs
sliding leaflets under the doors of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th floor
hotel rooms. Just when the DNCers thought they got away to the
security of their room, hehehe.

Matt, Megan, and others spoke to several of the young
Democrats, who had witnessed what had occurred on the previous
night, though they disagreed on how we conduct business, they did
realize that Lyn is by far the more serious candidate.

they kept insisting, "You have to work with the system."

The police were by this time out in force with probably
nearly 15 officers, including investigators, K-9 units, and the
Nazi SS guys with their jack boots, leather jackets and tights.

Maria, Robert, Thomas and Kunle were intercepted by the
escalator, and were told, "You have to leave, the hotel is
private property, get out."

As we hit the escalator, a low rumble began and quickly rose
to the overriding roll of "WE WANT LAROUCHE, WE WANT LAROUCHE,

The entire
lobby, including the proportionately high number of drunken
bureaucrats, fell silent with drooping jaws.

The cops, hands on hips, stood there, just wishing that
Ashcroft was running the show, so they could put an end to such

However, all of what they were working to prevent
was happening.

One woman officer was confronted by Matt, who asked, "Don't
you think it's probably the case that the DNC holds these
`public' meetings in a private hotel, for the very reason that
they could do things like keep LaRouche out?"

This completely
changed her personality, and she couldn't stop laughing at the
ridiculousness of the situation.

This was quite a contrast to the
DNC thugs with the wire in their ears, who, even after we had
been escorted off the property, and had our pictures taken, kept
making jabs like "HA you're banned forever, FOREVER!" and "How do
they brainwash you guys over there, put something in your water?"

Matt engaged the lone Al Gore ranger, whom stood on the
sidewalk outside the hotel with a semi-erotic picture of "SUPER
AL" on her picket.

However, even this lady admitted that this DNC
must be corrupt if they would exclude a bona fide candidate.

repeated the common theme throughout the night, "that's not right."

One man, confronted without knowing we are with LaRouche,
made the express point that the administration is "completely
crazy, absolutely out of their minds," and was perfectly aware
that it was this Chickenhawk faction running the ship onto the

There was so much panicking going on throughout the hotel,
that if anyone who didn't look like a "politician," he or she was
singled out and questioned. Kevin G. observing the whole time,
was approached by one officer who kept asking for ID, or what his
purpose was for being there, just trying find some way that he
could get Kevin out of the hotel.

"I am waiting for a friend who
is listening to Sharpton speak,"

Kevin explained. "Well, well,
what does he look like?
I will go get him for you!" was the cop's
panicked response.
Several of us were awarded our barring notices from the
hotel, and others such Eric T., were harassed considerably more
than others. How come Eric always gets a bad rap, hahahah?

questioned an investigator why we are not allowed in, and the
consistent robotic response was "you don't need to know why."
The deployment was excellent, the initiative and creativity
of teams working independently was unprecedented. People deployed
themselves in a manner that left the hotel, police, College Dems,
and most of all the DNC, out of their minds, running around,
bouncing off of walls.

We have escalated, and shall continue to do so.

Democratic Party shall be polarized. Look forward to further news
from LaRouche's "shock troops" hitting the streets near you.

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