Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Peace

Balto. Anti-War Coordinating Committee - Sun Mar 2

The Baltimore Anti-War coordinating committee will meet at 7pm Sunday March 2.
MEETING: Baltimore Anti-War Coordinating Committee

7pm Sunday March 2
Progressive Action Center,
1443 Gorsuch Ave (At Kirk)
E. of Greenmnount and south of 33rd St.

This will be the second meeting of the Coordinating Committee. At the last meeting on February 2, 35-40 people from 15 different anti-war groups in Baltimore attended.

The Committee was formed from a call put out by the Coalition Against Global Exploitation (CAGE). CAGE felt that a higher level of communication and cooperation was needed among members of Baltimore anti-war community.

All anti-war groups in the Baltimore area are encouraged to attend the meeting. Please bring news and flyers for events you are planning, and concrete proposals for coordinated action among the various anti-war groups.

It was decided at the last meeting that each group represented would have one vote in any decisions made.

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