Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Peace

Stop The Hijacking Of The Anti-War Movement

You guys might know this, or might NOT know this.. but the CSAW,Boston and Mid West Stop the war coalitions have set up an internet chat conference.. and tried to keep it a bit hush hush.. Tomorrow night is when it's supposed to happen. This is their 2nd time coming together to plan for the national conference. I urge you all to log on tomorrow night because anyone can join in on the chat. And like i said before we can only be bitter and complain about what went down for so long until we actually start to do something and actually fight within this system that's created around us. Please join in if you can.
You guys might know this, or might NOT know this.. but the CSAW,Boston and Mid West Stop the war coalitions have set up an internet chat conference.. and tried to keep it a bit hush hush.. Tomorrow night is when it's supposed to happen. This is their 2nd time coming together to plan for the national conference. I urge you all to log on tomorrow night because anyone can join in on the chat. And like i said before we can only be bitter and complain about what went down for so long until we actually start to do something and actually fight within this system that's created around us. Please join in if you can.

here is the email i got, read on regarding directions to chat.

this tuesday dec18 at 9pm eastern there will be an online discussion of an upcoming national/international campus anti-war conference. the discussion will be held in a MSN chatroom called "antiwarconference".

we will of course agree on an agenda at the start of the meeting, but we will certainly try to finalize the location of the conference. participants in a conference call last tuesday dec11 consensed that we should hold the conference over the weekend from the 22nd to the 24th of february 2002. we also agreed that the conference should be held in New York if possible. see for details, background, and full minutes taken of the call. join the listserv by sending a blank email to .

we have all learned valuable lessons from the regional conferences. we can now apply our experience to organizing a transparent, democratic conference that will strengthen our unity and the propel the movement.

condescending instructions so we don't loose anyone:

1. send your browser to (or follow the links from the msn mainpage)

2. click the "join a chat" link.

3. if you already have a hotmail email account or a MSN passport, login and skip to step #7. if not, click a link to set up a new account. you may be asked to download a program so the chat can work: just click [OK] on the screen that pops up. (you won't need to restart or anything)

4. fabricate your info on the form. you don't need to enter the correct email address, but you will need to remember your fake address and password if you want to use this identity with MSN in future. click [i agree] down the bottom of the screen.

5. click continue, and then make up a nickname and then click [register]

6. click [chat now]

7. type in "antiwarconference" in the box where it asks you for the name of the chatroom you want to join.

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