News :: International Relations
What more proofs ?
At right point of time
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At right point of time we have pushed the terror alert level to 'orange' the second highest level and we have called up our nation to buy tinned foods and candles. As always at right point of time our avatar Bin Ladin has join up to call up iraqian people for the resist against our armed raid. Mysteriously we have already publicized the transcription of this audiotape before the original Bin Ladin tape was send to the Arabic telestation 'Al Jazeera' to go on air - a minor problem with timing - but somehow also plain too because former employees of CIA will remain true to the company a life-long.
So this is now the ultimate proof that Iraq works closely with Terrorists. Any foolish moron has catch on that. Additionally we come to know by our war center that Saddam transports a vast quantity of explosives to the oil fields to demolish them. Our oil fields he want to destroy!! This is definitely an attack to our peaceloving nation and that's why we have to defend now immediately and to exterminate them all. Unfortunately thereby an Bin Ladin tape will escape again and with the utmost probability it will be up to no good in Iran because over there we have to go at the next opportunity. But if we want we are also able to send other tapes to France or Germany because Bin Ladin tapes will always crop up there where we just need them. And the tapes will escape again and again. That's for certain.
We are not dilettantish blacklegs - we are an honorable society!
Your minister of foreign campaign affairs!