Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Peace

member, Left Turn

February 15 Global Demonstration!!!
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Anti-War and Anti-Capitalism
Where do we go from here?

A debriefing of the February 15 demonstrations.
Everyone is invited to reflect on the event and offer suggestions for future steps.

When: Monday, February 17
7:30 p.m.
Where: Progressive Action Center
1443 Gorsuch Avenue (East of Greenmount, South of 33rd Street)

Hosted by Left Turn.
For more information, please contact Virginia Rodino at 410-704-4139 or

Left Turn is a network of revolutionary socialists and anti-capitalists. We are involved in struggles against globalization, imperialism and war, police brutality and for workers' rights. We meet regularly to discuss issues facing the movements for social justice. The one idea that unites us is the belief that through our united efforts a better world is possible. Join us!
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