Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: International Relations

The Space Shuttle and The GPU

Part II of The Beginning of the End of the American Empire!
The Space Shuttle and The GPU

Part II of The Beginning of the End of the American Empire!

Lloyd Hart

I believe everything is symbolic within the human collective consciousness as well as throughout all of life from the subatomic to universal. So when an event like that which has just occurred to America's most profound symbol of conquest economics and imperialism, "The Space Program" designed specifically for the colonization of space and of course with that lucky spin off homeland security, the affect to the consciousness of the imperialist construct that put the space program into play is profound. But because the space program is actually a military program it doesn't count its losses quite the same way as the civilian society does and consequently attempts to bury the affect deep in the unconscious mind and continue on with the imperialist conquest of space leaving the mistaken confidence in place, that the military's training allows for better management of the cohesive military consciousness. The civilian society does, however, not view the astronauts as soldiers, quite the contrary. The civilian society attempts to bring the individual astronauts symbolically into the very heart of their own families delivered ever so carefully by the corporate media so as not to offend. And of course the speed by which this occurs today as a result of mass communication through the advent of television and the Internet causes reactions to events such as the space shuttle tragedy to penetrate our consciousness without regard to any individual process of transcendence or prayer. In fact people will not even notice the disgusting and crass merchandising until long after they have purchased the cheap facsimile of institutional and patriotic pride that practically dissolves before their very eyes having been manufactured by the oppressed foreigners in sweatshops in foreign lands and from materials produced synthetically that have never proved to be better than nature's own hemp.

So as humanity, military or otherwise attempts to seek "closure" whatever that is, at mach 20 speed maybe it is important to reflect on the bankruptcy of our empire and the allocation of our assets, that is our tax and greater economy dollars. I for one have a tendency to go into deep meditation when events occur that have profound symbolic affect upon the consciousness of myself, humanity and thus the very planet we live on. When I saw the pieces of the space shuttle flying across that clear blue sky I urged in my meditations of the astronauts who died that they should quickly reincarnate and get back down here on earth so that they may in their unconscious way be symbolic of the failure of the imperialist mindset. Interestingly while in this transcendent mindset it is with this same spiritual practicality of cause and affect, consequence that I approach the space shuttle event as a whole and in context to the continuation and recent extremity of U.S. imperialism. We need to stand back and ask the question: Should we be spending all this effort to get out into space when the entire world is descending into an economic collapse beyond anything we could have ever imagined when the White Europeans set out to conquer the world in the name of our Treasury and our God? It is quite clear at this point that the conservative elite's are reacting to the collapse of the world food and water supply and thus the collapse of the global economy. Knowing full well as the global Drought/Flood continues, as food and water supplies dwindle and become contaminated and the forests continue to fall, that the 4.5 billion or so people that we white Europeans have kept in torturous poverty will continue to turn against us. So far it is only a ballot box revolution but this has definitely been enough for the Bush regime to roll out the threat of use of tactical nukes. Because America and Europe are so dependent on cheap oil, cheap resources and cheap labor from the very people we purposely keep in abject poverty as a means to keep our economic pirate ships afloat, is it not pertinent and practical to ask: What the consequences will be if we keep funding the Monroe Doctrine, Manifest Destiny, our self delusionary right to rule the world and of course at the top the heap, NASA, Manifest Destiny's footprint in space. If we continue to spend the resources that we steal from other people on what really is a condition of mental illness, the power and glory, will it not come back on us like the million space shuttles falling uncontrollably from the sky.

Will taking control of the strategic oil supply in the Middle East and Central Asia truly give the American military the strategic advantage against billions of people that are consciously fed up with Yankee imperialism? Will following the Rand Corporation's recommendations of toppling the Arab Oil Despot's truly maintain the status quo of cheap oil, cheap resources and cheap labor. What does the Rand Corporation have in mind to deal with not millions but billions of people at the end of their rope. The situation on the ground Globally is that of the kind of conditions that will easily spark a violent revolution against all European and American Holdings in the Third World and a serious and more than likely successful run against fortress Europe and America within this decade.

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R) TX was blathering in the media after it was clear what happened to the space shuttle that we need to continue to increase the funding of the space program and she went on to say that the space program has provided the American people satellite technology that has made America ever more secure against its enemies and an effective tool in the war against terrorism. So basically, we couldn't possibly defund the space program and in fact according to Senator Hutchison, the space program might as well be a part of the homeland security department. I can just see the bone yard mentality of Gov. Ridge's head attempt to wrap his imagination around the space program. But hiding behind the war on terrorism is no longer carrying the weight it did directly after 911. The world has transcended the true meaning of the unprecedented deliberate popping of the tech economy bubble in an election year allowing for the theft of the election, not just in Florida but in many states with the help of the U.S. military. Bringing on unilateral USA, turning a blind eye to the explicit knowledge of the attacks of 911 and the destruction of the Constitution. Concluding in the long-term plan and goal of seizing the strategic oil supply through the oil war in Afghanistan that continues and the up-and-coming oil war in Iraq leading to the toppling of all the Arab oil states thus privatizing now state owned oil into the hands of American and European multinational oil companies. In the case of Great Britain, Tony Blair is representing British Petroleum as all good little British prime ministers do. So the truth really is contrary but yet in a bizarre imperialistic sort of way in line with Senator Hutchinson's comments and thinking that American's Security through the U.S. space program actually means the Imperialist Conquest to put down the Global Peasant Uprising (GPU). Considering most of the work that NASA does is for Multinational European and American Corporations, the CIA, the NSA and of course the U.S. Military. Don't worry you can be very sure that the U.S. Military views the Space Station as belonging to them and will play along with the russians for now or at least until the Russian peasantry joins the GPU.

While the media has gone through the shock, the mourning to "What the hell went wrong?" in less than 24 hrs. I think it completely appropriate that we three dimensional thinkers who have been kept out of the mainstream discussions so far attempt to keep pace with the corporate media coverage and analysis, bringing the cause, and affect, consequence plays into to view. Hell, it could have simply just been the stress of the Neo Conservatives stealing the election, turning the environmental and social policy in America upside down, 911 and the Oil Wars that caused the NASA technicians to fuck up the securing of the Canadian asbestos tiles to the space shuttle Columbia during its recent overhaul.

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