Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Activism

FEB 15 - NYC - The World Says No To War!

The World Says No to War
Saturday, February 15th will be a world-wide day of action against the Bush Administration's proposed war on Iraq. An unprecedented number of coordinated protests will be held around the globe: in Amsterdam, Athens, Bangkok, Barcelona, Belfast, Berlin, Brussels, Cairo, Copenhagen, Dublin, Glasgow, Helsinki, Istanbul, Jakarta, Johannesburg, London, Manila, Oslo, Paris, Ramallah, Rome, San Francisco, San Juan, Stockholm, Tallinn, Tokyo, Vienna, Warsaw, and dozens of other cities.

JOIN US in New York City for a massive march and rally that will show the depth and breadth of U.S. opposition to this war.

Confirmed speakers and performers include:
* Nobel Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu
* Martin Luther King, III
* Julian Bond
* Mos Def
* Patti Smith
* Holly Near
* Tony Kushner
* Welfare Poets

We are well aware that everyone is anxiously awaiting word of a location for the march and rally. Please bear with us -- we're negotiating with the New York Police Department over permits and will post location information as soon as it is available.

Here are some ways you can plug in now:

We need lots and lots of New York City volunteers. Plug into our volunteer network by writing to

We urgently need funds to make this mobilization happen! Please send checks to United for Peace & Justice, P.O. Box 607, Times Square Station, NY NY 10108 or use a credit card to donate online.

General inquiries:
Call United for Peace & Justice at 646-473-8935
or email

Outreach Materials
Click here to browse and download our outreach materials in PDF format.

Ride Boards
Driving to New York, or looking for a ride? Chartering a bus, or looking for chartered bus information in your area? Check out our ride board to find transportation to and from the city.

Housing Boards
Looking for a place to stay when you come to New York? Check our housing board for possible places to stay.

International Demonstrations
Anti-war protests are already being organized on every continent, and the list of host cities is growing rapidly. Worldwide, February 15 will likely be the single largest day of protest in world history.

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