Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Latin America

Latin American Solidarity March April 10-15

Help organize and get involved in the demonstrations in DC in April
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Organize Now for April 2003!

Mobilization Against Military and Economic Intervention in Latin America and the Caribbean

As The U.S. government and powerful international financial institutions are accelerating corporate globalization in Latin America and the Caribbean and the U.S asserts its regional domination by providing military aid and training to repressive governments, we must stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers throughout the Americas.

The Latin America Solidarity Coalition (LASC), has initiated a Call to Action for the Mobilization against the Military and Economic Intervention in Latin America and the Caribbean from April-10-15, 2003 in Washington, DC.

The April Mobilization will include a massive protest rally on Sunday, April 13, followed by a march to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) buildings, where their annual spring meetings are taking place. We are coordinating with movements throughout Latin America and the Caribbean to make this an International Day of Action. The Mobilization will also include the Latin America Solidarity Conference III with direct action trainings, educational workshops and strategy sessions, a lobby day Close the School of the Americas to close the School of the Americas, street theatre, film screenings and more. Washington, D.C. is the place to be from April 10-15!

All out for justice and peace for the peoples of the Americas!

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