Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Globalization

Bush Daddy Brilliance

They make dark stuff bright! Note: There has been an incredible amount of interference from Baltimore IMC; thus there were many other IMC sites that I could not access from Baltimore, yet they were accessible from other sites. Plus I had to close those windows.
My Daddy says that you must pay attention to the professed intelligence along with the established communication glitches of Bush Daddy Tribe, for it compels BDT to embrace the worst fulfillment of prophecy(190292). BDT believes that the blind obedience of the "Tail" to the hidden learned elders of the "Head" of the "Serpent" that is Zionism(132033) is proof of their intelligence; i.e. brilliance(Is. 14:12), which is really stupidity. Bush Daddy constantly whines about people exposing the stupidity of his kid, the dummkopf "puppet ruler" in the White House, thinking that people will pity Bush Daddy if his kid gets slaughtered for his stupidity(Is. 14:21). Even though Secret Service is hell-bent on getting more of Saddam's chemicals to use on us as they did after the Persian Gulf War, they did not understand how important it was to put their tough-talking dummkopf "puppet ruler" at a Command Center at the "whitewashed wall" in Jerusalem(Ez. 13:14; 66464 & 206845). In addition to abducting me and locking me up for 15 months to ensure that Bush Daddy's kid would get to sit in the White House(see "One for Bush" below), do you think that "fedya guvmint thugs" didn't mess with the vote count everyplace in this country to seat their dummkopf "puppet ruler"(228238)? Controlled release of my articles and computer surveillance appear to be the main method by which BDT targets anyone who reads my articles or mentions them(226737). Keep in mind that computer hackers, using restricted access codes and a supercomputer, can monitor all computers for key words such as my name, etc. Since BDT has created this famine for the word of the Lord via the destruction and massive blockage of IMC everywhere(Amos 8:11-12), one could probably go "fishing" for the dummkopf Nazis by promoting "Bob" readings or "Bob" gatherings in "town squares" everywhere(Jer. 16:16). Whether or not these "Bob" people were Israelites, only time will tell; but the dummkopf Nazis of BDT who would target and/or eliminate anyone who mentions "Bob" are the last Israelite-wannabes left in the land(Mic. 7:2). The abovementioned are prime examples of the heralded brilliance of Bush Daddy and tribe, but one has to understand that we are constantly being "swamped" with such professed brilliance and that assures that all such stupidity goes unchallenged.

Stupidity is very important to BDT, thus it pays to play stupid most of the time when you encounter the professed brilliance of Bush Daddy or tribe. Bush Daddy claims that Dr. Delahay of Georgetown Medical Center is not even a medical doctor and that operations, such as the one on my knee, are done in the name of educational research since Dr. Delahay has a Phd. in Education, for he teaches Orthopaedics. Bush Daddy also claims that Dr. Delahay was involved in the implantation of a computer chip into Timothy McVeigh. One has to understand that such a chip can monitor ones thoughts and transmit to that chip any messages or noises. Since BDT would know what the chip recipient has been put through recently, they would be prepared to address any actions that the chip recipient took to counter what BDT was doing to them. Since there is no sign of these transmissions, it is very easy for BDT to ensnare a chip recipient, claiming that the chip recipient has delusions about what is being done to him or her. You can imagine how they brainwashed Timothy McVeigh, convincing him of the Holy status of David Koresh and the Branch Davidians in Waco, TX; how they plotted, schemed, and planted the "explosive Fed. Bldg." idea in T. McVeigh's head; how they deftly placed the explosive-laden truck in T. McVeigh's hands and ensured that no one interfered with T. McVeigh's plans; and how they quickly dispatched T. McVeigh to prevent him from revealing his computer chip or the participating "fedya guvmint thugs" to anyone. The Niggardly Asinine Zionist Media would have you believe that the hand of the Bush Nazis was also not involved in any of the other recent Nazi attempts to foment domestic unrest. For example: the Columbine shootings(27166 & 45625), the WTC disaster(64528), the Sniper Crisis(211500 & 212672), and their Radio wave - Infrared Madness(104469 & 111857). Though Their Folly is Plain to All(48513), the Nazis will continue to claim that the suppression of any mention of the truth behind this turmoil by the NAZM is proof of the brilliance of the poopheads of BDT(70672 & 166317). These disasters are all the result of kids from hell, hand-bred by "fedya guvmint thugs" from the cradle to the gas chamber, the electric chair, some place like that. Such is the brilliance of BDT. These guys who shot Linda Franklin were long-time associates of "fedya guvmint thugs" who would direct their criminal insanity for whatever evil was required to keep the Serpent afloat(132033). As for the rap-writing "Wendy's Murderer" of NYC, BDT had group of kids, urging him to shoot me with a silver pistol at a grocery store on Mt. Olivet Road, Northeast DC when I was typing a phone call on the TTY. He was approximately 15 years old and had probably escaped from the juvenile detention center up the road while waiting for "fedya guvmint thugs" to come get him. If he had shot me? "Brilliant dummkopf work! Accolades and commendations all around!" Such is the way of BDT. The abused kid racket touches all of us. If you studied it, you would discover how one group of "fedya guvmint thugs" abuses kids in reform schools, then another group of "fedya guvmint thugs" borrows these kids, taking them to some sucker, convincing the sucker that this is his kid, that it takes a lot of "fedya guvmint thug" work to make it possible for the sucker to see his kid, that this kid is suicidal, that contact with this kid is only possible via "fedya guvmint thug", etc. These suckers are targetted for death often; thus they are encouraged to make illegal contacts with the kids. Some of these kids probably have four or five suckers, thinking that they are somehow this kid's father. The kid is trained to milk the sucker for all he is worth and much more! Bill Gates is probably a computerized version of such a thug-raised kid from hell; thus they let him play with anyone stupid enough to trust a computer. Last but not least, BDT makes poop look brilliant by feeding you enough to put your intelligence on par with theirs. Brilliant poopholes because all of their poop seems to be coming out of their mouths. Such is the brilliance of BDT, poopheads from way back.

"One for Bush"

More than anything else, the mass broadcasting of this song could have probably convinced the people not to allow them to put Bush Daddy's kid in the White House:

"One for Bush" 5/15/98 (36001 & 176670)

I will catch the Bush---ga, how about you? (Prov. 2:12-15)
My friend the Bush---ga, he told you what to do! (Jer. 7:7)
Sly king, the Bush---ga, he sold you to the zoo! (Jer. 7:7)

The dreadful dreaming Bush---ga, he dreamed that he could fly! (Jer. 23:2; Is. 14:13)
Bright one! The Bush---ga, he said he would not die! (Is. 14:11; 28:15; Prov. 18:12)
Our wishy-washy Bush---ga, forget to heed his lies! (Dan. 8:8; Jer. 27:15)

I will catch the Bush---ga, how about you? (Prov. 1:26)
Son of Dawn the Bush---ga, will see what he can do! (Is. 14:12; Hosea 10:3)
God bless the Bush---ga, there's sulphur on his shoe! (Rev. 2:6)

I will catch the Bush---ga, his Bible make him fly! (Jer. 8:8; Prov. 14:12)
The Postman's Bush---ga, they dropped him from the sky! (Hosea 10:15)
They dressed and stood the Bush---ga, our king is riding high! (Dan. 7:4)
You can catch the Bush---ga, be sure to say goodbye! Be sure to bow good guy! (Prov. 4:14-15; 24:17-18; Amos 4:4; 5:5)

Good song! The louder you sing it, the better. For those who object, let it be known that as Elizabeth made known to Mary, the mother of Jesus in Luke 1:45, the belief in the fulfillment of prophecy is cause for great celebration. That's what my Daddy said.

PERMISSION TO BROADCAST OR REPRINT "Hellbound Train" and "One for Bush" IS GRANTED UNTIL 12/25/2003 opyright 5/15/98 "Israel" Deaf Messenger Bobby Meade

PS: I am writing you here on 8/13 to let you know that my
Daddy says that Bush Daddy is still giving ---gas a bad name, trying to set people up to badmouth him by revealing sordid details about himself. Be careful and God bless. (to be cont.)

Is Baltimore hiding these articles to target people for the dummkopf Nazis??????// See "Poophead Ratings" 1/15/03 Baltimore IMC.

PS: 1/18/03 Their chemical-mongering practices are also upheld as brilliant, for they feel that knowledge of the symptoms and effects of chemicals is proof that they are brilliant, and you are the fool. "How Foolish Are You?(53907) Well the list keeps getting longer and longer until the brilliance of God's plan is made manifest by His Spirit. "Not by might nor by power; but by My Spirit" said the Lord Almighty" (Zech. 4:6).

PPS: 1/21/03 Sundays New York Daily News had a picture of "career criminal", Ivy Thompson, with mention of his 14 page rap sheet. Ivy is more or less a permanent blight on the Ithaca landscape with intimate ties to the Gad-damned Gar-Gan tribe of Tompkins County.

Bush Daddy also reveals that most of the mass graves(24603) of this area are not in the fields but in the basements. Many of these bodies belong to former owners who were making payments on their houses. This explains how real estate companies end up managing houses with no listed owners. There are many other practices that they use to conceal the basement burial practice. If they sell one of these houses, they try to keep the owners out of the basement. When the basement is full, they just pour a floor over it. There is usually no fresh air supply to the furnaces in these basements; thus smelly air from the basement is drawn into the furnace. There is more, and I will probably address this in more detail in the next article.

Referenced (numbers) are for articles on; i.e. Global IMC Open Newswire. To access via Id#, access any article, change the ID=# in the address bar, and press "Enter"

Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger

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