Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Media

Media Project: Protesting in the Banana Republic - the Movie

The Fallout Shelter is creating a webpage of citizen-made films of people being pushed, coerced, forced, cajoled and otherwise screwed out of their First Amendment rights by the Bu$h administration. Please visit:
Then send links for films to
Protesting in the Banana Republic, the Movie;
and protesting in the Banana Republic, the Sequel
I do not currently have the server capacity to upload films, however if you have a link to a site where your video of police oppression at Bu$h protests has been published, please send us a link to your footage! When the page is complete, we hope that it can be used for workshops, civil liberties forums, and Bill of Rights Defense Committees all across the country. We will not be silenced! Send links to

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