LOCAL Announcement :: Activism
Send hate-mail to CityPaper & Thunderdome!!!
Baltimore City Paper carries horrific and offensive, pro-war advertisement....
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This week's Baltimore City Paper (Jan 8-15) contains, on page 38, a horrible ad. The ad is promoting a party at the ThunderDome in Baltimore. The party is hailed as a "support our troops" event. Yes, I know we're all supposed to feel awfully sorry for the "boys" in uniform, but is a "BOMB SADDAM PARTY" really appropriate?!! What's more, the ad itself features the cartoon of a missile!! But if you think that's bad, Thunderdome apparently toned down the theme for the "liberal" press, because the banner on the ThunderDome website goes right for the throat: a cartoon mushroom cloud!
I'm tired of the City Paper parading itself as alternative press. It seems that ad space is available to any and all paying customers. Please check out the add, and let the City Paper know how you feel about their disgusting, inappropriate, and careless advertising. And if you feel like a really good time, you can talk to the lovely folks at the Thunderdome!!!! Good Luck!!!!
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