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News :: International Relations : War in Iraq

The Iraq Will Attack US Homeland

Every time you believe administration statements can't become more stupid they become still more stupid!
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The Iraq will attack US Homeland by the sight of President Goofy

1. Saddam produces nukes without plutonium and under the supervision of UN inspectors
2. Saddam buys bombers underhand - not to mention the fuel-supply aircrafts for the long way to Texas
3. Saddam buys warships and/or submarines under favor of night and arm them secretly with nuclear missiles
4. Bombers and warships take a course unseen to US coast
5. The USA get total surprised by this memorable curious attack
6. The US economy will implode and all Americans becomes slaves of Saddam for filling oil barrels till the end of days

The basic idea is not new. It was used before now at 1939 as the 'evil poland has attacked the poor nazi germany' - a simply fraud to start the war and overrun hole europe.

After the notable Anthrax campaign and after the Pox campaign the US administration has no more idea to fear the nation other than absolute nonsense. Either the Goofy President believes in stupidity of his citizens like himself or he knows well about the close stranglehold by manipulated newscast to fear and direct this nation.
Americans please wake up.
This administration will rope in all the first nations to an religious war and then nightmare really begins because against the weapons of the poor people called 'terror' there is no chance to reply with an 350 billion hightech army and an cold war warfare concept. It is the wrong way to open this abyss by attacking any countries without really dangerous weapons.
American soldiers can't win an house-to-house fighting without massive fatal casualties. Look back to Stalingrad, Somalia and now Grosny.
No chance - only big decease!
Stop one of the biggest frauds of human history!
wake up NEO...

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