...Gulf War Veterans Exposed to Toxic Chemicals and Radation. Excerpt of talk delivered by Army Major Doug Rokke in New Haven, Connecticut. produced by Between The Lines'Melinda Tuhus.
Army Major Charges Pentagon with Gross Negligence in Care of Gulf War Veterans Exposed to Toxic Chemicals and Radation
Excerpt of talk delivered by Army Major Doug Rokke in New Haven, Connecticut. produced by Between The Lines'Melinda Tuhus
Major Doug Rokke is a 30-year Army combat veteran and a health physicist who was in charge of the Pentagon's Depleted Uranium Project in the mid-1990s after the Gulf War. On a recent speaking tour, Rokke quoted from several memos and reports that he says revealed a lack of commitment on the part of the U.S. military to clean up depleted uranium that became airborne from targets, such as tanks destroyed by DU ammunition, after the war ended. He also asserts that the Pentagon lacks a commitment to test and treat U.S. Gulf War veterans who were exposed to depleted uranium, chemical weapons, oil well fires and who experienced negative reactions to anthrax vaccine.
Rokke believes these exposures contributed to, if not caused, illness among hundreds of thousands of Gulf War veterans and the deaths of more than 10,000.
Rokke recently spoke at a Connecticut Peace Coalition event in New Haven, Connecticut, where he detailed his allegations of U.S. military irresponsibility. We present an excerpt of this talk recorded and produced by Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus November 10, 2002.
For more information, contact the Gulf War Veterans Resource Center at 1-(800) 882-1316 Ext. 162 or visit the Center's Web site at
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