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Senator Lieberman & Eli Lilly. A Research Starter Kit

Here's some info to help begin asking rhetorically
why Eli Lilly might have begged Senator Joe McCarthy,
er uh, er I mean Lieberman to exempt them from EVERYTHING
in his new HomelandSecurity package.
Senator Lieberman & Eli Lilly. A Research Starter Kit

Here's some info to help begin asking rhetorically
why Eli Lilly might have begged Senator Joe McCarthy,
er uh, er I mean Lieberman to exempt them from EVERYTHING
in his new HomelandSecurity package.

Contact: Chuck Ludlam,

Featured Speakers
U.S. Senator Bill Frist
Ranking Member, Senate Subcommittee on Public Health

Sidney Taurel
Chairman, President & CEO
Eli Lilly & Company

Jonathan Ortmans
President, The Public Forum Institute

Gail Cassell, VP for scientific affairs for the Eli Lilly
and Company and a former president of the American Society
for Microbiology,

Eli Lilly, passing a provision exempting it from liability
for the effects of thimerosol, a chemical some research has
linked to autism in children. This provision stripping the
rights of hundreds of thousands of Americans was an 11th hour
addition to legislation creating the massive homeland security
agency. It’s such a shameful sellout to the pharmaceutical
industry that no representative will claim responsibility
for it.

[hate to tell you, it's got pfizer (I mean Lieberman) written
all over it!]

Terry McAuliffe, was a Winnick crony who made his own killing
before Global Crossing tanked, and its most visible presidential
candidate, Joseph Lieberman, is fighting to the political death
for loosey-goosey stock-option accounting. Just as the Harken-
Halliburton stories gathered fuel, such tribunes of the people
as Tom Daschle, Hillary Rodham Clinton and John Kerry boarded
corporate jets supplied by companies like Eli Lilly and BellSouth
to rendezvous in Nantucket with their favor-seeking fat cats.

a meeting at New York University's Medical Center to discuss
this plot. They are proposing a $25 million multinational study
involving 1,500 young people ranging in age from 15 to 25. And
where would the funding for such a mind-blowing (literally) study
come from? You guessed it - those who would profit the most:
Eli Lilly & Co., American Home Products, Sanofi-Synthelabo,
Johnson & Johnson's Janssen Pharmaceutical Inc. and, of course,
Pfizer Inc.

Pfizer Inc $1,391,685
> Bristol-Myers Squibb $1,370,417
> Glaxo Wellcome Inc $771,448
> Schering-Plough Corp $691,114
> Eli Lilly & Co $642,280
> Amgen Inc $439,047
> Pharmacia & Upjohn Inc $399,735
> Merck & Co $382,704


The Boeing Company

Black & Veatch
Coca-Cola Company
The Hon. Larry Jobe and Suzanne A. Jobe
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Piasecki Aircraft
Parsons Corporation
The Turner Foundation
United Television, Inc.


Ambassador's Education Group
The Advisory Board
Andreae, Vick & Associates
The Honorable. and Mrs. John Danilovich
Dechert, Price & Rhoads
Mr. Michael S. and Susan L. Dell
The Eisenhower Family
The John D. Evans Foundation
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Arthur Gray

John Hancock Life Insurance Co.
King & Spalding
MIC Industries
Jane F. Napier
Pentz Consulting
People-to-People Ambassadors, Inc.
Norman and Cheryl Perlmutter
Thorium Power, Inc.
US Enrichment Corporation
Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson & Hand


American Fiber Manufacturers Association, Inc.
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
The Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships
Gettysburg College
Eli Lilly
The William & Mary Greve Foundation
Mrs. Hillard Hillman
The Justice Project
People-to-People International
United Airlines
United Nations Foundation
The University of North Texas
W. Alton Jones Foundation

August 08, 2000
Al Gore picks Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman as running mate

August 10, 2000
Appeals court yanks Eli Lilly's patent protection on Prozac

August 17, 2000
Joseph Lieberman addresses Democratic convention,
while Al Gore waits until Thursday to accept his

The New York Times: "Enron Offered Management Aid to Companies"
April 10, 2002
Enron used creative accounting for themselves and for other
large corporations including AT&T, Eli Lilly & Company and
Lockheed Martin.

Taurel, Sidney
The Role of Drug Companies

Lieberman, Joseph
A New Prosperity Agenda

5 2001 John
President, AFL-CIO

18 2001 Sidney
President, Chairman, CEO of Eli Lilly

17 2001 Tommy
Secretary, Dept. of Health and Human Services;
former Governor of Wisconsin

8 1998 C. Everett
Former Surgeon General

1 1998 Joseph
Senator (D-CT)

September 1, 2000
Making America All It Can Be, AL GORE, Vice President of the United States, Democratic Presidential Candidate
Keeping The Faith, JOSEPH I LIEBERMAN, United States Senator from Connecticut, Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate
Putting People First, BILL CLINTON, President of the United States
A Stronger And Better Country, HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON, First Lady of the United States and a New York State Senatorial Candidate
The New Frontier, EDWARD KENNEDY, United States Senator from Massachusettes
Putting People Back In Politics, BILL BRADLEY, Former United States Senator from New Jersey
Keeping Hope Alive, JESSE JACKSON, Founder, President and CEO. Rainbow/PUSH Coalition
Emerging Technologies, PHILIP LADER, U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James
From Wild West To Wild Web, PAUL ASHDOWN, Professor of Journalism, University of Tennessee
Managing On The Fault Line, GEORGE H. CONRADES, Chairman and CEO, Akamai Technologies

November 15, 2000
Eyes On the Road, Hands On The Wheel, JOHN F. SMITH, Chairman of the Board, General Motors CorporationJ
10 Myths About Globalization, RICHARD D. McCORMICK, Vice President, International Chamber of Commerce
Federal Government In The Indian Nation, TOM DASCHLE, United States Senate Democratic Leader from South Dakota
Bipartisan Social Security Reform, DONALD B. MARRON, Chairman and CEO, Paine Webber Group Inc
The Knowledge Imbalance, LEA SOUPATA, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, UPS
The Issue Of Drug Costs,SIDNEY TAUREL, Chairman, President and CEO, Eli Lilly and Companys
Diversity, TAMI LONGABERGER, President of the Longaberger Co.

Currently, Ken Lay serves on the Board of Directors of Compaq Computer
Corporation, Eli Lilly and Company...

Lieberman has received political donations from accounting companies,
including Arthur Andersen's political action committee. The New Democrat
Network, a campaign group he co-founded to support the election of centrist
Democrats, also has received $14,500 from the Andersen PAC and $15,000 from
Enron's PAC since 1997, according to PoliticalMoneyLine, an independent
monitoring group.

16. -Joe Lieberman's and Tom Daschle's Largest Contributor
in the 2000 election cycle was Enron's Largest Creditor,
Source: Center for Responsive Politics

This group includes former senator Bob Kerrey (D-Neb.),
whose brief 1992 presidential bid had Lay's backing, and
Sen. Evan Bayh (D-Ind.), with whom Lay served on the Eli Lilly Co.
board of directors in the 1990s.

Earnings at Merck and Eli Lilly are faltering.
Will they cut R&D to boost earnings?
Or will they remain true to their tradition
by betting heavily on new drugs, even in tough times?

technology companies, which are the chief users and
abusers of options--killed reform. They rallied support
from powerful legislators led by Connecticut Senator
Joseph Lieberman. FASB does require companies to disclose
the cost of their yearly option grants in a footnote in
their annual reports.,Taxes-Other-Issues/Don't%20Get%20Burned%20-%20Feb%2018%2002%20-%20Fortune.htm

The jets were supplied by BellSouth Corp.,
Eli Lilly and Co., FedEx and AFLAC. All have
given large sums of "soft money" to both major
parties, but Republicans generally have received
the majority.....

The latest information shows that while Mr. Lay was
Enron's C.E.O. he was practically a fixture at the
White House, attending the inaugural, the Easter egg
rolling, T-ball games and other events large and small.
The Senate Government Affairs Committee, headed by Joseph
Lieberman, would like to know more about Mr. Lay's role
in lobbying for policy and personnel changes at the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission and the Tennessee Valley Authority.

The biggest of several deals that allowed Mr. White to
"hide the loss" - a deal in which the documents show him
intimately involved - was a 15-year contract to supply
electricity and natural gas to the Indiana pharmaceutical
company Eli Lilly. Any future returns from the deal were
purely hypothetical. Indeed, the contract assumed a deregulated
electricity market, which didn't yet exist in Indiana. Yet
without delivering a single watt of power - and having paid
cash up front to Lilly, not the other way around

Rep. Waxman writes OMB Director Daniels to inquire
about the provisions in the homeland security bill
that would change the Vaccine Injury Compensation
Program in a way that benefits manufacturers Eli
Lilly and Dow Chemical.

[Dow is big in Ledyard Connecticut as well!]

[lieberman enron dow?]

White House faxed Lieberman a 6-page letter showing that Enron executives were granted numerous previously undisclosed meetings and phone calls with White House officials, including three phone calls between former chairman Kenneth L. Lay and Bush's senior adviser, Karl Rove? The issue of contacts between Enron and the White House is sensitive because the company's executives were among Bush's most generous backers? The letter?detailed a meeting that Bush held in the Oval Office on Feb. 7, 2001, with Lay and 19 other business leaders? Lay held a 30-minute meeting with? Cheney and a private meeting with his energy task force director, ?spoke a few times with chief economic adviser Lawrence B. Lindsey, 'most likely about the California energy shortage.' Lay recommended 21 people for White House appointments and three of them were appointed? Lieberman asserted that the committee was 'being slow- walked at least and stonewalled at worst.'"

In Fla. an unknown number of residents recently received samples of
unsolicited Prozac in the mail, apparently the result of their health
records being used for marketing purposes. Prosecutors are
investigating the anti-depressant's manufacturer Eli Lilly & Co.,
drugstore chain Walgreen Co. and a Florida doctor's group, but
it remains unclear whether the mailings were actually illegal.
In a separate but similar case, the Florida based Eckerd Corp.
drug chain recently got in hot water for selling its customer
database to drug companies for marketing materials.

CEO, Eli Lilly
Salary: $1.8M/yr.

the Lilly deal was the 10th largest investment in state economic history.
The company looked at dozens of sites statewide before narrowing the search
down to Northern Virginia or the Richmond area.
... General Dynamics is acquiring a Georgia defense and homeland security
firm for $250 million.
Falls Church-based GD announced it is acquiring all the outstanding stock
shares of Advanced Technical Products for a cash purchase price of $33.50
per share.
The deal involves General Dynamics (NYSE: GD) retiring $16.2 million in
ATP stock options and assuming $36.2 million of the Roswell, Ga.-based
firm's debt.
The acquisition has been approved by both companies' boards. ATP
stockholders and regulators still need to sign off on the merger.
The Georgia company (Nasdaq: ATPX) manufactures laminate, moldings and
bonding materials used on military helicopters and fighter jets.
It also makes portable biological and chemical detection equipment.
ATP has more than 1,400 employees nationwide and anticipates $235
million in revenue this year.
ATP will be folded into General Dynamics' armament systems arm.
General Dynamics ( has 52,000 workers
and 2001 revenue of $12 billion.
... Maryland Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend officially announced
her bid to become the state's next governor May 5 in Annapolis.

A multimillion dollar chemistry building is taking shape on Eli Lilly
and Co. properties. Enticed by more than $200 million in incentives,
Lilly agreed to keep the significant expansion in Indianapolis. The
facility is expected to create 600 jobs


next up:

Kissinger McLarty Associates conspiring with
Eli Lilly, Enron and General Dynamics.

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