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Anti-war: Pittsburgh Jan 5th Spokescouncil For Jan 24-26th Regional Convergence

For months Pittsburgh has been organizing for a regional convergence against War Jan 24-26th. To prepare for these unprecedented local events, organizing groups will be hosting an informal spokescouncil meeting on jan 5th This message has info on the meeting.
Hey all. As many already know Pittsburgh is having a regional anti-war convergence on Jan 24-26th. Below is info on the informal spokescouncil taking place Jan 5th in prep for the events. The size and diversity of these events are unprecedented in Pittsburgh which is one reason organizing group are making a large effort to bring different tactical viewpoints together.

more info on the convergence is at and

Invitation to Pittsburgh Spokescouncil-
On Sunday January 5th, Pittsburgh Organizing Group will be hosting an informal Spokescouncil meeting to talk about and plan for the January 24-26th Regional Anti-War convergence. This event will not plan the framework of the convergence or change events already planned, but will focus primarily on coordination between currently planned and probable events. We will also try to create a space where individuals and groups unsure about their plans can come together to meet. It is not necessary to attend this event to take direct action in January.

The suggested agenda is as follows. Times may be adjusted depending on feedback.
2:00pm-2:30pm Presentation-Orientation on what's already planned for the convergence.
2:30pm-3:30pm Discussion for those interested in the disobedients bloc or doing autonomous actions on Sunday on what makes an effective bloc. Discussion of the Pittsburgh police.
2:30 pm-3:30pm Discussion for those interested in doing or supporting civil disobedience actions.
3:30pm-4:30pm Break up into small groups to discuss tactical issues (why do you hold the beliefs you do on tactics? How do they impact the actions of
others? etc.)
4:30pm-5:00pm Feedback to the larger group.
5:00pm-5:30pm Break for food.
5:30pm- whenever. Ask questions of those organizing the events and give your suggestions for the convergence.

Our goals for the spokescouncil meeting are:

1: To bring everyone up to speed on what is planned for the convergence and how things are being organized.
2: To make sure everyone planning or considering taking part in direct action is aware of actions that are already planned. This is critical so that everyone has the space and security necessary to maximize safety and effectiveness.
3: To improve communication and mutual understanding between elements of the anti-war movement who hold differing opinions on tactics.
4: To provide a forum where interested parties can ask POG questions about the convergence.
5: Create space where individuals without an affinity group can join existing efforts or find like minded individuals who want to discuss joint efforts.
6: To get feedback from groups outside our region about what they want to see happen in January and how we can best facilitate that.

RSVP is required to attend this event and we will message you back with the location. Let us know how many people you will be representing (which can be just you!) and what state you are from. Also, representing doesn't necessarily mean speaking for another group, it can also mean speaking for those that you will be with at the convergence whose
general opinions you know. Names, contact info, and more specific addresses are not required or encouraged. Media, law enforcement, and their informants are not welcome at this event.

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