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The Corporate Media Make War On The Birthday Of The Prince Of Peace

With neo-Liberals like Steve Case keeping a tight leash on CNN and the board of directors of neo-Liberal corporations of General Electric, Disney and Westinghouse controlling the rest of the main outlets of information to our television based culture.
The Corporate Media Make War on the Birthday of the Prince of Peace

By Lloyd Hart

The corporate media can't stop beating the drums of war even for the birthday of the Prince of peace. It is an absolute disgrace and a disgusting display of a lack of sensitivity toward the stress and suffering that people in America and round the world are attempting to get away from this one day where peace and harmony are supposed to be the Christian empires greatest message. Cnn has even gone so far as to have the warmongering talking heads talking about a possible war with Korea and Iraq at the same time, making everyone feel terribly insecure. What is wrong with just turning it all off for one day. Can't these greedy little bastards in the corporate media do one thing to help people have a restful and reflective holiday. Of course, even the president's message to the troops is brought to the forefront of his Christmas message through CNN's hype machine by putting up his phone call to the troops in South Korea focusing even more attention away from the failure of U.S. military action in Afghanistan and it's a bankrupt policy in Iraq.

With neo-Liberals like Steve Case keeping a tight leash on CNN and the board of directors of neo-Liberal corporations of General Electric, Disney and Westinghouse controlling the rest of the main outlets of information to our television based culture. Where humans once gathered around campfires and fireplaces and disseminated the information from other lands or from the next village in the form of storytelling, songs and dance, people now gather around the television set. The difference now is the information is not being disseminated by one among us but rather from feudal lord central. An advance the feudal lords have been waiting for as a means to control the flow of information to the masses. However by making technology and the Internet fairly accessible to those that disagree with the feudal message the feudal lords themselves have had to develop techniques that resemble a child putting his or her hands over their ears and singing at the top of their lungs to avoid any truth that might accidently slip in. First, the futile lords, attempted to take control of the Internet and when that failed they began to say if it came off the Internet it was to be held in suspicion. Now that they know they can't stop the free flow of information from the net their resorting to pretending there is a no dissent at all and if they admit there is any, it represents the lunatic left, a tiny fringe minority in the grand scheme of things in America. And of course, the icing on the cake of the Bush regime is an Internet bake sale distributing their Internet monitoring cookies on the entire Internet disguising the fact that total information means everyone on the net not just Americans will be spied on.

So happy birthday Prince of peace, your message to the world is now "War is Good" because the feudal lords can't take one fucking day off from promoting their war against the poor and against despot's that would be overthrown by their own people if we didn't keep propping them up to keep an energy policy designed by men with the maturity level of nine year-olds from collapsing into its overdue bankruptcy. And to further complicate the Christmas message from the Prince of peace it is being stated loud and clear in all the corporate media that Syria is hiding Iraq's weapons of mass destruction so that they won't be spotted by the inspectors setting up another block in the Rand Corporation's proposed a war against all the Arab oil states. As the band The The once sang " If Jesus stood up today he would be gunned down by the CIA" and if not, he would be completely ignored and marginalized by the very same feudal lords who claim to have nailed him up 2002 years ago. From Prince of Peace to today's Christian Imperialism we have not come along way. Well I say, if Jesus stood up today he would be a militant revolutionary against a feudal system bent on its own drunken and everywhere else's destruction.

Happy birthday Prince of peace, your message to world is now dead.

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