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News :: Activism

Support Black Autonomous Press...

We would like to thank all those who contributed so quickly to the fund to get up and running the Black Autonomy Press. The BAP has raised over $600.00 so far! But the BAP still needs your help...
Your urgent help (still) needed!

Dear friends, comrades, and fellow travelers,

We would like to thank all those who contributed so quickly to the fund to get up and running the Black Autonomy Press. The BAP has raised over $600.00 so far! But the BAP still needs your help. Please, please, please send whatever you can. Dig deep, raid those penny jars, organize those support parties, forward this plea far and wide. We need your financial help to make this a viable and sustainable project. Tis the season to give. So lets give generously to this important effort!

Below is the original plea.

I'd like to solicit your assistance, hopefully financial in nature, toward the purchase of a printing machine that a group in Michigan is in dire need of.

Recently, Lorenzo Kom'Boa Ervin (author of ANARCHISM AND THE BLACK REVOLUTION) did an east coast tour to raise funds for the Black Autonomy Press, (to produce pamphlets and the journal BLACK AUTONOMY, which was previously published a few years ago in Seattle and Atlanta). The newest incarnation of BAP and BLACK AUTONOMY would like to get up and running by the Spring of next year, and be nearly self-sustainable (not having to rely on Kinkos for copies, for instance). Lorenzo raised nearly $1000.00 on the tour, money which was to go to the purchase of a laser printer for the Press, and would add a significant resource to the publication of material to be used toward the effort of furthering a People of Color Autonomous Tendency in North America.

Well, unfortunately for this effort, the money was STOLEN (via fraud), and now the BAP must AGAIN raise the required funds to cover the purchase of this equipment.

We are asking you to make a donation that is NOT tax deductable. The larger the amount, the quicker we can make
up this shortfall, but If you can donate a mere $10.00 to this effort, your generosity will be much appreciated, and
your solidarity in this regard will help build an anarchist people of color tendency, already in it's initial stages, here in North America.

Alternatively, if you can come to aquire a "high end" laser printer (the model the BAP has in mind was the Hewlett
Packard model 8000DN high volume laser printer, which is expensive -$900-$1,100 for a refurbished machine, and $2,000 for a new machine), that would be great. There are also some alternatives to that printer made by other companies, as well as some hig volume copiers. Main features: It has to be able to produce a minimum of 75,000 pages each month, to do both sides simultaneously (duplex), and to do 11 x 17 tabloid size.

Paypal: Go to and follow the directions (give as the recipient email). Alternatively, you can send a check via snail mail:

Make the check out to:

Lorenzo Komboa Ervin
POB #19962
167 Drake Road
Kalamazoo, MI. 49019-0962

Again, this donation is unfortunately NOT tax deductable.

And don't forget to check out Lorenzo's new web log:

Thanks for your donation, and see you in the streets!

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