Beneath Our Bombs Posters
I executed this series of four posters out of concern for the children of Iraq. The series features children from the cities of Basra, Baghdad, Mosul, and Arbil.
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Links to full sized photos/posters:
Sadly, many Americans know little about the situation in Iraq. According to the United Nations, many hundreds of thousands of Iraq's children have died due to a decade of harsh sanctions. Many deaths are caused by diseases transmitted through polluted drinking water and other unsanitary conditions. Such illnesses could be easily cured. Yet individuals who send food or medicine to these children without state approval are slapped with $10,000 fines.
Meanwhile, efforts to tie Iraq's dictator Saddam Hussein to the destruction of the World Trade Center have not been persuasive. What seems more likely is that the pending war against Iraq is being orchestrated at the behest of multinational oil interests.
Information on the situation in Iraq, and on efforts of dedicated individuals to effect change, may be found at this link:
Please forward these posters to friends, family, and associates who may be interested in this important issue.
Thanks to William Thomson for his dramatic photos.
best wishes,
richard myers
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