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LOCAL News :: Activism : War in Iraq

Sign The Direct Action-civil Disobediance Pledge Today, In Case Of War With Iraq

Sign the Direct action-Civil disobediance pledge today! This is an internation campaign to pledge and commit acts of non-violent direct action and civil disobediance in case of a US and British war on Iraq. I urge everyone interested in actually trying to stop the war on Iraq to sign this pledge, and inform all others of the pledge. And of cource when the time comes and the US and UK feel that they can no longer go without spilling blood, engage in direct actions and civil disobedence against the governments who would like to send us off to die for oil companies and imperialism
This is a International Campaign started in Great Britain aimed at showing the governments of the United States and Great Britain that we do not support this unprovocted attack on the peoples of Iraq. By signing the pledge form on the website, you pledge to either A. commit acts of civil disobediance in the case of a US/UK attack on Iraq, or B. will activly support the people who are commiting acts of civil disobediance. All civil disobediance actions undertaken in co-ordination with this campaign are guided by the auspices of a non-violence platform. So far, 1,167 people have pledged to commit acts of civil disobedience worldwide, and 1,431 people have pledged to assist them. Notable signatories of the pledge include.
Noam Chomsky
Dr Barbara Einhorn
George Galloway MP
Jeremy Hardy
Caroline Lucas MEP
Paul Marsden MP
Adrian Mitchell
Celia Mitchell
George Monbiot
Canon Paul Oestreicher
Will Self
Hans von Sponeck (former UN Humanitarian Co-ordinator in Iraq)
Ralph Steadman
Natasha Walter
Angie Zelter

Endorsing organizations for the UK are:
Active Resistance to the Roots of War (ARROW), Brighton and Hove Green Party, Cambridge Women in Black, Greater Manchester Coalition Against Sanctions and War on Iraq, Kingston Peace Council, London Region CND, Oxford Campaign Against War in Iraq, the Mariam Appeal, Musicians Against Nuclear Arms, Nuneaton and North Warwickshire Against the War, Oswestry Coalition for Peace, the Pacifist Party, Pax Christi, Reading Roadbusters, Scottish CND, the Stop the War Coalition, Sussex Action for Peace, UK Network of Engaged Buddhists, Voices in the Wilderness UK.

This pledge needs to be widley distributed in the United States as it has recieved little exposure in this country and in the various activist communites in this country. please inform as many like minded activists of this pledge, and do something to actually stop the impending war!

If they want to engage in an Imperialistic, oil driven war abroad, and spill the blood of thousands of innocent people, we will refuse, and shutdown our own cities with our bodies!

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