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Announcement :: Children

Student Anti-War Conference

Students Against Sanctions & War in Iraq (SASWI) would like to invite all students from across Canada and Quebec (and from the US) to participate in the Pan-Canadian Student Anti-War Conference at the University of Toronto from January 30 to February 2, 2003.
~Le texte en français suit.~


Students Against Sanctions and War in Iraq (SASWI)

Open call to all students across Canada and Quebec

Pan-Canadian Student Anti-War Conference
January 30 to February 2, 2003
University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario

Opposition to a new war on Iraq is growing worldwide. In Britain, over 400,000 people marched against war at the end of September, including thousands of students from all over Britain. The mobilization on October 26 of 100,000 in Washington, D.C. and 60,000 in San Francisco brought many thousands of students onto the streets to oppose the war against Iraq. And in Britain on October 31, dozens of protests took place at universities and colleges, including occupations at Cambridge University, Liverpool, Manchester, Brighton, and Leeds. In Sheffield, 500 students occupied a faculty building sponsored by Boeing. In London there were occupations at Goldsmith's, King's College, the London School of Economics, and many others.

In Canada and Quebec, anti-war coalitions are springing up on almost every campus with students building both their own campus anti-war actions and the January 18 North American day of action against war on Iraq. More recently, thousands of students just participated in the pan-Canadian day of action against war in Iraq on November 16-17 which mobilised 35,000 people in Canada and Quebec.

At a recent teach-in at the University of Toronto, students from fifteen different universities, colleges, and high schools took part in a discussion called "Students against war: Building an anti-war movement on the campuses". A consensus emerged that it is not only possible but also necessary to begin building an anti-war movement among students all across the country.

With the threat of war looming larger every day, we feel it is now time for students across Canada and Quebec to pull together in a unified network that can build a massive student movement against war in Iraq. Students Against War and Sanctions in Iraq (SASWI) would like to make an open call to all students to participate in a pan-Canadian student anti-war conference at the University of Toronto from Thursday, January 30 to Sunday, February 2, 2003. The conference will be accessible both to English- and French-speaking students.

Already a number of student anti-war coalitions have expressed interest in supporting, participating in, and endorsing the conference. We welcome any anti-war coalition, peace organisation, student union, cultural organisation, faith group, or student club that would like to get involved to send your endorsement to

In the coming weeks, we will be circulating a tentative conference programme, including a timetable. We look forward to your feedback and hope to post final details as soon as they are ready on our website:

We will also be organising committees of student volunteers to organise registration, housing, food, transportation, fundraising, and social events. All students in the Toronto area who are interested in working on one of the committees should contact

The possibilities are huge of building a broad,inclusive student movement against war right across the country. We think that a pan-Canadian student anti-war co-ordination can play a role in helping to reach deeper into every school, every classroom, and every campus with the message that we can and must stop this war!

To endorse the conference or for more information:
e-mail or phone 416.533.6026.

To get involved in one of the student committees (for students in the Toronto area):
e-mail or phone 416.533.6026.

SASWI online:

To join the pan-Canadian student anti-war listserve:

The following is a list of some of the organisations that have so far endorsed the Pan-Canadian Student Anti-War Conference: University of British Columbia Coalition Against War on the People of Iraq (CAWOPI), University of British Columbia Medical Students for Global Survival, University of Victoria Muslim Students' Association (MSA), Simon Fraser University Coalition to Stop the War on Iraq, Simon Fraser University Muslim Students' Association (MSA), Emily Carr Institute of Art & Design Coalition Against War in Iraq (CAWI), York University Now End War and Sanctions (NEWS) on Iraq, University of Toronto Students' Administrative Council (SAC), University of Toronto Coalition Against War in Iraq (CAWI), University of Toronto Arab Students' Association (ASA), Ryerson University Arab Students' Association (RASA), Ryerson University Christian Arab Students' Association (CASA), Toronto Committee Against Sanctions & War on Iraq (TCASWI), Toronto Trade Unionists Against the War (TUAW), Carleton University Middle Eastern Discussion Group, Carleton University Solidarity with Iraqi & Palestinian Children (SIPC), University of Ottawa Global Peace Coalition, Brock University Anti-War League (BAWL), Niagara Palestine Association (NPA), McGill University Coalition Against War & Racism (CAWR), Montreal Muslim News, Fredericton Residents for Education on the Economically-Motivated Deployment of the Military (FREEDOM), Dalhousie University Peace and Justice Coalition, St. Mary's University Activist Coalition (SMAC), Arab Palestine Association of Canada (APA), the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), and many more! We hope we'll soon be able to add your name to the list too!


Students Against Sanctions and War in Iraq (SASWI)

Un appel à toute la population etudiante à travers le Canada et le Quebec

Conference pan-canadienne des etudiantEs contre la guerre
Du 30 janvier au 2 fevrier 2003
Universite de Toronto
Toronto, Ontario

Le mouvement d'opposition à la menace d'une nouvelle guerre contre l'Irak se multiplie à travers le monde. En Angleterre, plus de 400 000 personnes ont manifeste contre la guerre à la fin septembre. Les manifestations de 100 000 personnes à Washington et de 60 000 à San Francisco le 26 octobre ont attire des
milliers d'etudiantEs en opposition à la guerre contre l'Irak. Et le 31 octobre en Angleterre, des douzaines de manifestations ont eu lieu sur les campus des
universites et des collèges, y compris des occupations à Cambridge, Liverpool, Manchester, Brighton, et Leeds. À Sheffield, 500 etudiantEs ont occupe un edifice portant le nom de la compagnie Boeing. À Londres, des occupations ont eu lieu à Goldsmith's, King's College, London School of Economics, et bien d'autres.

Au Canada et au Quebec, des coalitions contre la guerre ont ete formees sur pratiquement chaque campus, et les etudiantEs se mobilisent pour leurs propres
actions et pour la mobilisation nord-américaine contre la guerre le 18 janvier. Plus récemment, des milliers d'etudiantEs ont participe à la journee d'action
pan-canadienne contre la guerre contre l'Irak les 16-17 novembre, une mobilisation de 35 000 personnes au Canada et au Quebec.

Récemment, lors d'une conférence à l'Universite de Toronto, des etudiantEs de quinze universites, collèges, et ecoles secondaires ont participe à une discussion intitulee <<Les etudiantEs contre la guerre: construire un mouvement sur les campus>>. Un consensus s'est degage de la conférence: il est non-seulement possible, mais aussi necessaire, de construire un mouvement contre la guerre au sein de la population etudiante à travers le pays.

Avec la menace d'une guerre qui grandit à chaque jour, nous pensons que le moment est venu pour les etudiantEs de creer un reseau unifie qui pourra construire un enorme mouvement etudiant contre la guerre en Irak. Les etudiantEs opposeEs à la guerre et aux sanctions contre l'Irak (Students Against Sanctions and War on Iraq) lancent un appel à toute la population etudiante pour participer à une Conference pan-canadienne des etudiantEs contre la guerre à l'Universite de Toronto du jeudi 30 janvier au dimanche 2 fevrier 2003. La conference sera accessible
aux francophones et aux anglophones.

Dejà plusiers coalitions etudiantes contre la guerre ont exprime leur desir de participer à cette conference. Nous invitons toutes les coalitions contre la guerre, les organismes pour la paix, les associations étudiantes, les organisations culturelles, les groupes religieux, ou les clubs étudiants qui veulent participer d'offrir leur appui par courriel à

Au cours des prochaines semaines, nous ferons circuler une ébauche de programme pour la conférence, y compris un horaire. Vers la fin novembre nous espérons afficher sur notre site internet l'information pertinente lorsque les détails de la conférence seront confirmés.

Nous organiserons aussi des comités pour organiser l'inscription, l'hébergement, la nourriture, le transport, les levées de fonds, et les activités sociales. Toutes les étudiantes et tous les étudiants de la région de Toronto qui sont intéressés à participer à un des comités peuvent contacter

La possibilité de constuire un mouvement étudiant contre la guerre existe partout à travers le pays. Nous pensons qu'une coordination étudiante pan-canadienne contre la guerre pourra jouer un rÀ´le pour assurer que nous rejoignons chaque école, chaque classe, et chaque campus avec le message que nous pouvons et devons prévenir cette guerre!

Pour appuyer la conférence ou pour plus amples renseignements:
courriel ou téléphonez au 416.533.6026.

Pour participer à un des comités étudiants (pour les étudiantes et étudiants de la région de Toronto):
courriel ou téléphonez au 416.533.6026.

SASWI sur l'internet:

Pour devinir membre du serveur de listes pan-canadien des étudiantEs contre la guerre:

Voici une liste partielle des organisations qui ont déjà donné leur appui à la Conférence pan-canadienne des étudiantEs contre la guerre: University of British Columbia Coalition Against War on the People of Iraq (CAWOPI), University of British Columbia Medical Students for Global Survival, University of Victoria Muslim Students' Association (MSA), Simon Fraser University Coalition to Stop the War on Iraq, Simon Fraser University Muslim Students' Association (MSA), Emily Carr Institute of Art & Design Coalition Against War in Iraq (CAWI), York University Now End War and Sanctions (NEWS) on Iraq, University of Toronto Students' Administrative Council (SAC), University of Toronto Coalition Against War in Iraq (CAWI), University of Toronto Arab Students' Association (ASA), Ryerson University Arab Students' Association (RASA), Ryerson University Christian Arab Students' Association (CASA), Toronto Committee Against Sanctions & War on Iraq (TCASWI), Toronto Trade Unionists Against the War (TUAW), Carleton University Middle Eastern Discussion Group, Carleton University Solidarity with Iraqi & Palestinian Children (SIPC), University of Ottawa Global Peace Coalition, Brock University Anti-War League (BAWL), Niagara Palestine Association (NPA), McGill University Coalition Against War & Racism (CAWR), Montréal Muslim News, Fredericton Residents for Education on the Economically-Motivated Deployment of the Military (FREEDOM), Dalhousie University Peace and Justice Coalition, St. Mary's University Activist Coalition (SMAC), Arab Palestine Association of Canada (APA), la Fédération canadienne des étudiantes et étudiants (FCEE), et plus d'autres! Nous espérons que nous pourrons ajouter votre nom à la liste aussi!

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