Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism

STOP THE WAR: Antiwar Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, 1/11-12/03

Members of the Muslim Students Association and Anti-War Action!, two student groups at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, have released plans for a major antiwar conference to be held January 11th-12th.
The conference, entitled "STOP THE WAR: Understanding and Confronting America's Conflict with Iraq," aims at providing "a productive space both for activists to build connections to increase the effectiveness of the antiwar movement, and for those who want to learn more about the multitude of issues involved in the US war on Iraq" according to a statement released by conference organizers this week. The conference will be held January 11-12 in the Law Quad at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.

The STOP THE WAR conference is yet the latest development in an antiwar movement that has grown dramatically over the past months, both within Michigan and globally. Protests opposing an America war against Iraq have been held across our state and around the world [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]. Additionally, nearly twenty city councils across the US have taken a stand against the US war on Iraq by passing antiwar resolutions. Included in this number are Kalamazoo and Detroit, MI. The Ann Arbor city council will be voting on an antiwar resolution December 2. These are all clear signs that antiwar sentiment is continuing to grow in the face of the continuing belligerence of the White House.

Plans have been made for an antiwar strategizing conference to be held at Wayne State University on December 7. The STOP THE WAR conference will hopefully serve as a follow up and continuation of the work done at the December 7 conference.

Members of the Muslim Students Association and Anti-War Action! have said that they are attempting to contain within the STOP THE WAR conference a good balance of activist and educational segments. An impressive list of visiting and local speakers has been arranged for the conference. Strategizing sessions are also planned, allowing activists from various backgrounds to coordinate activity.

Find out more about the STOP THE WAR conference, including information on how to register, by clicking here.


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