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News :: Crime & Police

Rally Against Executions Tonight At GWU's Marvin Center

Join abolitionists from across the region for an indoor
rally against executions -- tonight at GWU's Marvin
Center 3rd Floor Ampitheatre at 7 PM.
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What: "Exploiting the Sniper Tragedy -- Don't let politicians turn tragedy into a blank check to execute!"

Where: GWU's Marvin Center -- 3rd Floor Amphitheatre Located at 21st and H St. NW, near Foggy Bottom Metro

When: Tuesday, Dec. 3rd at 7 PM

Who: Shujaa Graham, former death row inmate
Johnny Barnes, Executive Director ACLU, National Capital Area
Robin Maher, Director American Bar Assoc., Death Penalty
Representation Project***
Jack Payden-Travers, Director Virginians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
Mike Stark, Campaign to End the Death Penalty

Why: As the region searches for answers to the horrible sniper shootings, politicians like Attorney General John Ashcroft and MD Governor-elect Bob Ehrlich are eager to use this tragedy to sell and expand the death penalty.
Ashcroft quickly moved sniper suspects, Gulf War veteran John Muhammad and John Lee Malvo, to Virginia to ensure their quick execution; Ehrlich pledged to overturn Maryland's moratorium on executions and to lower the eligible age for the death penalty to 17.
Join us for an indoor rally and show Ashcroft and Ehrlich that we won't let them turn back the clock!

Sponsored by the Campaign to End the Death Penalty

For more information email us at

*** The American Bar Association does not oppose the death penalty. It does support a moratorium and opposes the execution of juveniles.

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