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Baltimore IMC

LOCAL News :: Animal Rights

Fur Free Friday Success

Hey all,

Fur Free Friday was a huge success, and BARC would like to thank all those who came to show their support for the animal rights movement.

On Friday, November 29, over 50 people gathered at Kent Fisher Furs in Towson to demonstrate against the brutal policies and idea of the fur industry. A group of activists with the group BARC (Baltimore Animal Rights Coalition)arrived at 11:00 am to set-up a table and designate with the police a permitted zone for protest. This tactic failed after the police all but shredded the non-profit gathering permit that BARC had legally obtained for the protest.

4 police officers were present at 11:00 am, as well as about 20 activists. The police told BARC members and other activists that were present (from groups such as People for Animal Welfare from Towson Univ. and Animal Awareness)that they would be arrested for blocking the sidewalk if a table was set-up...Kent Fisher Furs was never told that the table they set-up in their permitted zone (in front of their store) was blocking the sidewalk. After the permit department of Baltimore County confirmed that BARC was indeed, allowed to legally set a table up with their permit, the police, even after speaking with the permit department, again threatened arrest. The table was never set-up.

Police also told BARC organizers and members of BARCs legal committee that the permit they had was not valid, stating the address did not exist. This address was obtained through the county, both the permit department and the revenue authority of Baltimore County validated this address. After this, police said that the permit did not grant the rights to assemble, only to "let local businesses know that an event was planned." This was quickly dismissed by organizers, who continued holding their permitted zone legally. No further legal problems followed

At noon the bulk of demonstrators arrived, holding signs and chanting, while circling directly in front of Kent Fisher Furs. Their were no legal problems after the aforementioned police harrassment/lies. About 60 activists came through the protest, with a constant number of about 40. BARC organizers and police representitives may be meeting early next week to discuss the issues that arose on Friday morning.

BARC will be hosting demonstrations every Saturday from 12:00 noon until 2:00 PM until further notice. We will have signs, leaflets, and other goodies. Please find some time to come out and voice your opinions, we can't let the pressure drop. Let's make next week's rally bigger and louder!



BARC's meetings will now be held in a different location that the previous ones. We as of now do not have a space for meetings (we try to meet every Thursday at 6:00 PM). If anyone has ideas for a meeting space of a meeting space itself, please contact us ASAP. Also, donations to the group can be set-up through this email of my phone (see below).

BARC hopes to see everyone next week!


Baltimore Animal Rights Coalition

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