Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Activism


On December 21st, the largest Christmas shopping day of the year, millions will flock to malls across America to get that last minute gift. This December 21st, things need to change. It's time to show the corporations that we know what's going on - how consumerism ties in with the war, how our blind spending is paying for corporate pimps raping Middle Eastern nations for oil.
On December 21st, the largest Christmas shopping day of the year, millions will flock to malls across America to get that last minute gift. Billions of dollars will be pouring into multinational corporations such as Mattel (Mattel's CEO is on the Board of Directors for Unocal Oil, the number one supporter of the war) and BASF (notorious for making chemical weapons) while the nation prepares for war on Iraq. The very corporations that are funding this war and making it so profitable will be raking in profit not only from the lucrative Caspian Region oil, but from the lucrative consumer-frenzy going on in America.

This December 21st, things need to change. It's time to show the corporations that we know what's going on - how consumerism ties in with the war, how our blind spending is paying for corporate pimps raping Middle Eastern nations for oil. While millions of United States citizens prepare for a pleasant Christmas with the family, millions of innocent Iraqi citizens will be under American guns and bombs. A call has been put out for a nationwide strike against consumerism. This economy based war will only stop when the companies funding it lose too much money to continue. In malls across the country, rallies, marches, and other autonomous actions will dam the flow of money into the pockets of those corporate pimps.

This call is for a rally and actions at the Harborplace mall in Baltimore. The Harbor has been pulling in billions from its tourist industry and huge corporate breeding ground. It's time to put a stop to this. At 10 AM, when the mall opens its doors, gather on the docks in front of the mall, prepared to take a stand against consumerism and war.

Radical Anti-Imperialist Network
Yellow Springs ARA
Bold Print Media Collective

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