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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

BTL:Money Continues To Buy Elections While Activists Fight For...

...Public Financing at State Level. Interview with Nick Nyhart, of Public Campaign conducted by Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus.
Money Continues to Buy Elections While Activists Fight for Public Financing at State Level

Interview with Nick Nyhart, of Public Campaign conducted by Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus.

The 2002 midterm congressional election was the last federal ballot to be conducted without the McCain-Feingold ban on soft money. The campaign finance reform bill, which was signed into law earlier this year, does not go into effect until the next election cycle. But many advocates of reform point out that the two major political parties have been hard at work to find loopholes in the new law, allowing big donors to continue their dominance of U.S. politics.

Following the pattern established over many decades, candidates who spent the most money in 2002, overwhelmingly won their races with very few real contests for congressional seats. Public Campaign, a national organization committed to winning comprehensive campaign finance reform, contends that full public financing of elections is one of the key reforms necessary to restore confidence in the U.S. electoral system. Fewer than 40 percent of registered voters bothered to cast ballots in November's election, underscoring Public Campaign's contention that without meaningful electoral reform, the public will continue to lose faith in America's democracy.

Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Nick Nyhart, executive director of Public Campaign, about the impact of big money in the recent election, the barriers to campaign finance reform, and some recent successes at the state level.

Contact the Public Campaign. by calling (202) 293-0222 or visit their Website at
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