Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Baltimore Says No War

March Against the WAr!

December 21st, 2002
Baltimore MD
12pm at Cathedral and Monument Sts.

Bring banners, music, flags, and more!
Bring your love and your rage!
Most importantly bing yourself and all those you care about!
To say enough is enough!

Baltimore Residents Against the War!

Bush's War, We Say No!
No War for The Rich As People Go Without Basic Needs!
December 21st, 2002
Baltimore MD
12pm at Cathedral and Monument Sts.

Bring banners, music, flags, and more!
Bring your love and your rage!
Most importantly bing yourself and all those you care about!
To say enough is enough!

Baltimore Residents Against the War!

Bush's War, We Say No!
No War for The Rich As People Go Without Basic Needs!

As Baltimore city struggles with unemployment and poverty, the government pushes for a war that would cost Maryland billions of dollars outside of the military budget, not to mention how many lives. As public healthcare, public schools, and public resources for everyone disappears, the government greedily pushes for war, why? Because Bush and his friends have nothing to gain but more money, yes more money, from the oil in Iraq. Why? Because none of Bush's administration will be sent to Iraq to put their lives on the line for a war for oil between, let's face it, the rich of this country and the rich of Iraq. None of them, republican and democrat alike, will have their family members sent to war, because they have the privilege of being exempt from the burden this war will put on every poor and working person in the country.
Bush says this is for our safety and our well being as Americans. Well what about the fact that there are over 40,000 abandon homes in Baltimore and yet people still sleep on the streets? What about the fact the children in this city do not have access to safe and interesting public education and activities? Or how about the fact that healthcare and welfare continually face cuts when employment rates in Baltimore are at a low? And minimum wage is not even close to a living wage? What about the fact that one out of every six adults in Baltimore suffers from a severe drug addiction-that is about 60,000 people addicted to drugs-more than L.A. and New York City! - And yet methadone clinics and other treatment facilities are being cut out of the budget? Safety? All there seems to be is the safe promise of Bush threatening another rich leader into a brutal war where not only people from this country will die, but thousands of innocent Iraqis, especially children will die. Once again why fight this war? So Bush and Hussein can play the continuous game of cat and mouse Bush senior started over a decade ago. The average American has more in common with and faces the same threats as, such as poor healthcare, poor schools, poor retirement, and poor employment opportunities, the average Iraqi.
No War For Oil! It is time for the Bush Administration to listen, and if they do not hear, we will make them hear!

Baltimore Residents Against the War

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