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Thanksgiving Day At The Woman's Vigil In WDC 28nov2

Since Sunday, 17nov2, and for 40 days and 40 nights women from a coalition of several progressive women's groups and men supporters will hold vigil in Lafayette Park across from the White House as an urgent 'call to action' for President Bush to "not war on Iraq!".
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Thanksgiving Day at the Womans' Vigil and Fast for Peace
Lafayette Park, NW WDC . Thursday, 28 November 2002

For 40 days and 40 nights Diane Wilson from Texas and many other women or men supporters who may wish to join will hold vigil in Lafayette Park which is across the park from the White House. Sponsored by Code 4 Pink, Global Exchange, and United For Peace as well as a coalition of other progressive women organizations those who participate are asked to fast for at least three days. The type of fast is optional depending on the individual as they may come, go, or stay for as long as they wish ... or until President Bush vows to not go to war on Iraq.

After the 40 days/40 nights some form of woman's vigil will continue in the park until 8 March 2003 which is the International Woman's Day when a massive demonstration will take place in Washington DC. From 6am until 11pm each day and for 40 days and 40 nights Diane Wilson and/or some other women and men will hold vigil in the park as well as be visable throughout the night.

Since I had been documenting the vigil on a regular basis since its opening press conference which took place on Sunday, 17nov2, when I received an email on Wednesday evening (Thanksgiving eve) from a colleague which indicated that Diane was wearing down and that the police may no longer would permit the Woman's Vigil in the park after 11pm I vowed to myself that I would visit the vigil on Thanksgiving Day and perhaps take a picture in connection with my ongoing photograpahic series "Thanksgiving in Washington DC" as well as to provide moral support for and in solidarity with Diane.

As I approached Lafayette Park from its south east corner I observed a small group of folks at the center of park dressed in dark clothing and some in pink. I walked over and reintroduced myself to some of the women that I had encountered over the days and asked if I may take a few "Thanksgiving Day at the Woman's Vigil' pictures of any and all who were present at the time. After some discussion about me "not being the police" they agreed.

I took two photos of them with their backs toward the White House but since the sun was facing me I wasn't too sure if I'd like the results. So, I asked them to turn around and took two more photos with them facing the White House. And in brief conversations I learned that one woman in the group was from Baltimore and that one man was from Minnesota or Missouri. I indicated that I would be posting my photo journal on indymedia at one or both of those sites.

Before departing I wanted to connect with Diane and show solidarity. So I walked over to the north east center of the park in an area where she had normally staged her vigil from a park bench and when I inquired as to where she was I was informed that she had been arrested the day before. My source who I will not name said that the police who had already informed her a week or so before that since she had jumped onto the White House fence a few weeks back during a demonstration against the Home Security Bill that she was now prohibited from walking on the same sidewalk as is the White House had approached and arrested her the day before which was Wednesday (Thanksgiving eve) at the bench in the center of the park. Which is not on the same sidewalk as is the White House.

He said that he had no way of knowing but that he hoped that she'd return soon. Perhaps, later that day. I asked him to give Diane my regards, wished him a Happy Thanksgiving and then returned home. I do not yet know if Diane has returned.

For more information regarding the Woman's Vigil & Fast For Peace click onto the link below.

Elvert Xavier Barnes Protest Photography & 'Writings On the Wall'
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